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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/891439-Upside-Down
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#891439 added September 3, 2016 at 6:55pm
Restrictions: None
Upside Down
Prompt: Ian McEwan assumed a fetal position in his most recent publication Nutshell. He was discussing with his very pregnant daughter-in-law about the baby when it came to mind this opening line-- "So here I am,upside down in a woman." I'd like you to begin your entry with the same opening line.and take it any way you want... have fun!


So here I am, upside down in a woman. I mean my body is a woman, but what about my soul? Does the soul belong to a gender or does it recognize its being upside down?

I always felt I was upside down ever since I was born only because I used to believe I was on the wrong planet as if they meant to put me in a place that made better sense but they missed the station and left me on this God-forsaken globe and pulled away.

A major thing I never understood about this planet is its wars. Why? Is it because our ratty spirits are lifted to an ecstasy of contrariness? Don’t we see that the place we’re on is much, much smaller than the tip of a needle on the large map of the cosmos? What if we lose it due to our inanity? Why can’t nations see this?

I could go on and on, but I am making myself stop. All this thinking and useless wondering may just be because Florida has its fair share of fools and I am one of them. Maybe it is the cheaper generic drugs that make us talk and write like this. Yet, I didn’t always talk like this, nor write like this. Everything changes with age. At this junction, the function of my diction shrinks the language and maybe my thinking, too. So, I better stop my freeflow here as my windmill is running out of wind. *Laugh*

Note: I love Ian MacEwan’s writing, Atonement, The Children's Act, etc., but I didn’t know of this novel. Surprise! So I checked it. It seems it hasn’t been published yet, at least not in the US. Its publication date is shown as September 13, 2016. I’m looking forward to reading it. *Smile*

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