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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/890165-Guilty-Pleasure-Site-and-Work-Planning
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#890165 added August 17, 2016 at 11:42am
Restrictions: None
Guilty Pleasure Site and Work Planning
Prompt: What is your guilty pleasure website to visit?


WdC takes the cake, of course, but it feels like home and it is a pleasure, but I never feel guilty while I am in it.

So, other than that, I like to fool around in YouTube. Unfortunately, I don’t have much time to fool around.

On the YouTube, besides all kinds of music and musical shows from any country, I can listen to authors and other people from different specialties. I also like to watch pieces of soaps and telenovelas from all over the world, and because I am a linguist, all languages are music to me whether I understand them or not. There’s also a lot of material to learn from like how to care for orchids or how to cook one thing or another. There are lots of how-tos, but unfortunately, I’m only given this one life and time is getting shorter and shorter. I only wish we had such opportunities when I was much younger.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Making up for the prompts I didn’t answer in July
Prompt on Day 864 July 20, 2016, by Megan:
Plan your work. Work your plan. Does this sound like a plan to you? Write about it.


Doing the work effectively, especially in a business or any other working situation, may mean the difference between getting that promotion or not, losing your job or not, or enjoying what you do or not.

The most important aspect of this plan is in knowing or shooting for the result of the plan or the end game. If in a team, this vision would need to be communicated to one’s team so they’ll know where they are headed. The second aspect here is knowing who your key players are, what their specific roles can be, and if they are capable of achieving their portion in the plan.

The third aspect can be the timeline of doable phases. This is the most difficult and the most changeable aspect, and we need to work the plan when it comes to this one. Anything urgent and unexpected can pop up at any minute, so to fit it into the plan can take some clever moving around of things.

Having said all that, I am a pantser with most anything I do, which fits my personality. However, if I am working with a team or for someone else or for any other person or business, you can be sure I’ll have a plan and work it.

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