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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889230-Bear-in-the-Woods
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#889230 added August 4, 2016 at 3:15pm
Restrictions: None
Bear in the Woods
Prompt: A girl sitting alone on a rock at the edge of the woods jumps when she hears...... You take it from here.


A girl sitting alone on a rock at the edge of the woods jumps up when she hears a wail and a grunt. She smells something like wet wool. A bear! She knows the smell through her experience as once-upon-a-time park ranger. A bear in trouble. She’s sure of that.

She freezes where she is and squints through the trees until she makes out the brownish-golden fur. She picks up her backpack and runs to help the bear, but what a hoot! The bear wasn’t in any trouble. It was a frame-up to draw her way into the woods, so the bear could do whatever bears can do to humans. She knows it from the grin she sees in the bear’s face. She reaches into her bag and throws at the bear what’s left of her half-package of Wonder Bread.

And wonder of all wonders, the bear catches the Wonder bread and turns its back and hustles deeper into the trees. Now, this is no commercial for Wonder Bread, but my generation knows only the Wonder Bread as the prime brand, and I am not even sure it is on the market anymore. Plus, it must have been a friendly bear because she swears as the bear went deeper into the woods, it paused for a second and gave her a wave.

And if you believed anything I have told you here, you’re chosen just at this moment to become the lucky one to be able to purchase one of the bridges I have on sale, and today it is the Verrazano Bridge in NY, so cheap you won’t believe the price once you sign…

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/889230-Bear-in-the-Woods