Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888298-Civil-Default
Rated: 13+ · Book · Comedy · #2090066
Who wants to be President?
#888298 added July 24, 2016 at 8:19am
Restrictions: None
Civil Default

Bob sips some sample seltzer,
"I like the lemon and lime, but
it's missing something..Gin!"
The girls working the booth smile.
"This has to be a very boring job,
watching people sip seltzer." he
"I'm just here for the money."
the tall Russian girl answers.

"How much are they paying you?"
Bob queries.
"Ten dollars an hour."
She answers with a smile and then
a sad face.
"I'll pay you $200 dollars if you
let me put some seltzer down your
pants?" Bob smirked and then picked
up a seltzer bottle..

The Russian girl shrugged, "Okay."
"Let's go to the family restroom."
Bob said and pressed on the twist top.
"It would better if you didn't stain your
uniform. You can hang it on the door."
Bob continued and shook the seltzer bottle.
"Those panties and bra should come off too.
You don't want to wear them wet."
Bob said and sprayed the seltzer over her
head and face, as well as, her breasts
and camel toe.

"You know this happened to me a lot in
the Ukraine .. but it is just sex without
the seltzer." she shrugged.
Bob dropped the bottle and they made love
on the sink.
Bob bought a case of lemon and lime seltzer.

God bless Ukrainian seltzer.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/888298-Civil-Default