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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/885957-Postcards-and-Selfies
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#885957 added June 29, 2016 at 3:33pm
Restrictions: None
Postcards and Selfies
Prompt: Write about a picture on a postcard. Does this post card have special meaning for you?

I’d rather receive a letter than a postcard as a letter is more intimate and shows sincerity. Having said that, I love the Christmas postcards with the photos of the families on them. One such card I am keeping is my daughter-in-law’s stepfather and his parents with the rest of the family. His parents have passed away now, and each time I look at that card, I remember them and think how lucky we are to have known so many people and to have in my hand some reflection of them while they were showing their best moods.

Mixed flowers in a basket

Prompt: Does taking selfies show narcissism? What about taking selfies with animals, especially wild animals, and disturbing their peace?

Selfies and narcissism? Not always. Don’t we write about ourselves? Is that narcissism, too? I rather think we take selfies to record the different stages and moods we are in; although, I am awful when it comes to taking selfies. My worst shoots are the selfies.

Taking selfies with others is all right if the other people agree to it; however, I would be wary of it if I am holding the camera or the cellphone myself. If anyone else takes the photo, it is fine with me. Taking selfies with pets is okay, too, because they are cute and we want to record the moment. Most pets are happy and love being with us, and usually, they don’t mind the camera.

As to wild animals, let’s face it; when a wild animal attacks, harms, or kills a person, it’s a tragedy. This epidemic of taking selfies with wild animals has me stumped, and I don’t understand why a sane person would mess with a possibly frightened animal, no matter how large or small, and why anyone would not respect the privacy of any animal. The harm that a selfie may cause to that animal may not be intended, but it still shows disrespect for its being.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/885957-Postcards-and-Selfies