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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/884147-Angels-among-Us
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#884147 added June 8, 2016 at 11:04am
Restrictions: None
Angels among Us
Prompt: "I heard an angel speak last night and she said: "Write!" Elizabeth Barrett Browning Do you ever feel like an angel has talked to you?"


All the time, though not through words specifically in speaking. Of course, this, too, depends on your definition of an angel.

Still, no angel told me to write. It was my uncle first, then my teachers in Grade, Middle, and High schools. I guess I can call them angels.

Angels or rather the idea of angels have been around in human minds since the birth of humanity, but who can say what an angel is? Even the spiritual people or the people of religions cannot agree on their shapes and what they are. Yet, most agree that not all angels need to have wings as imagined by most.

Angels write to me, review my work, and send me C-notes and other goodies to lift my spirits up, right here in WdC. *Wink*

Then, there are unseen angels who warn me if a danger is lurking somewhere. Their advice comes in some form of my intuition.

There are also angels when I feel I am in a bind and, lo and behold, the whole thing suddenly clears up. The kudos in such cases has to go to the angels or unseen forces of some kind.

Before the Internet, I would go to a bookstore to find information on a specific subject. Once or twice, such books fell on me from the upper shelves. Now, who sent those books down to me, while the store’s staff were either at the registers or somewhere else? “Ask and you shall receive” is the promise, yes, but who carries that promise to its finish line?

Then maybe, the most important angels take the human form and they live among us as humans. Maybe us humans have the inclination to act as angels from time to time. Being angelic doesn’t necessarily mean you have to have two wings and you cannot live like people. The goodness in people is what may turn them into angels, too.

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