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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/882266-For-fiction-writers-psychopaths-and-sociopaths
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#882266 added May 16, 2016 at 1:15pm
Restrictions: None
For fiction writers: psychopaths and sociopaths
Prompt: What do you think is the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths? Have you ever had to deal with people who seemed to belong to either group?


To know the difference between psychopaths and sociopaths is important for the fiction writers, even though some forensic professionals and criminologists sometimes disagree on the differences between the two kinds of people or if those differences exist at all.

Sociopaths, being nervous and easily stressed, do not form attachments to others and live on the fringes of the society. From the outside, they look extremely disturbed. If they commit crimes, their crimes are haphazard and spontaneous rather than planned. Sociopathy is thought to be mostly the result of the environment and the lack or improper nurturing in early ages.

Psychopaths are cool, calm, meticulous, and charming. They do not form emotional attachments or feel empathy, but they may mislead others with their charm and can easily gain their trust because they can be extremely manipulative. They can mimic emotions very well without feeling them and may appear normal. Often well-educated and holding steady jobs, they may have families and can sustain other long-term relationships. Their crimes are carefully planned with every detail intact. Psychopathy is thought to be the result of genetics or nature.

I met one sociopath, although I am not aware of any crimes committed by him. On the other hand, I knew several psychopaths not close to me. One of them is a successful businessman; the other is a woman lawyer who acts as if she cares about the women’s issues and has others believe in her. (Geeez, I just noticed how what I said may sound like.) *Laugh* No, I am not talking about the presidential front-runners. The people I have mentioned are those I personally met and have evaded to the degree that I could. Once I recognize the fakery factor in such people, I try to stay away from them.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/882266-For-fiction-writers-psychopaths-and-sociopaths