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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/881544-Satisfying-the-Soul
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#881544 added May 7, 2016 at 12:52pm
Restrictions: None
Satisfying the Soul
“Beauty is the purest feeling of the soul. Beauty arises when soul is satisfied.” ― Amit Ray
What is your take on this statement? Do you agree or disagree that our souls need satisfaction for us to be the best we can be?


I certainly agree. Walt Whitman said, ““Whatever satisfies the soul is truth.” To me, this is where the arts come in. I think soul satisfies more easily with beautiful literature, music, and visual or stage arts. It can also be satisfied with work well done, whatever that work can be. It might be making life easier for others or it might be helping out a broken person. All these things, plus good thoughts, words, and actions beautify the human being and let the soul feel that beauty.

This beauty in the soul is the opposite of the beauty inferred in the saying, “Beauty is only skin deep.” This “skin-deep” beauty is the outer beauty which means the beauty of the body and the face or maybe the worldly goods, and it has nothing to do with the beauty of the soul. Outer beauty may attract at first sight, but the inner beauty, once recognized, captivates.

Too many live in a deeply divided state against themselves, since they have paid homage to the outer beauty alone, ignoring their positive human qualities that need to be developed, ignoring the works for the emergence of the soul's beauty. This may leave them broken or unsatisfied because the soul is where we find our refuge, our quiet place where we find encouragement to go on if only because we are here on earth to enjoy the experience of creativity and to contribute to humanity’s evolution.

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