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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/879302-On-a-Perfect-Spring-Day
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#879302 added April 13, 2016 at 5:36pm
Restrictions: None
On a Perfect Spring Day
Prompt: Write about the perfect spring day. Where would you go? What would you do?


If by perfect spring day you mean a place with its weather containing the four seasons, it wouldn't apply to where I live now. Here, we usually get the entire four seasons within the same week during the winter months, sans snow and ice, but I can reminisce a perfect spring day in Long Island where I used to live.

In a perfect spring day, while every other woman I knew would be busy with spring cleaning, painting and primping up her house, this would be just the kind of time when I would spend all my hours outside. And why not while nature was doing everything in my favor?

The crocuses and the daffodils would be in full bloom in the front yard, and the tulips on the rock wall would be opening up by this time during the second week of April. In the backyard, the long awaited sunshine would be making the flower and vegetable saplings I would have put in the earth during the first week of March rise taller. (Somehow I always had an itch to sow my stuff two weeks earlier than advisable. Afterwards, I habitually became nervous and covered them with see-through plastic. It always worked, even in instances when we had a late snow storm.)

Then, I would also work on cleaning and raking the lawn, and possibly fertilizing it. There would be dead branches and leftover dead leaves, so it would end up being a much bigger job than any housecleaning my friends would have stuck their noses into. I would also empty out the shed and rearrange the tools in it, noting which ones needed replacement and repair, to dump that job on my husband later; although, I recall a few years I had to do that as well.

On the plus side, by the time, I would be done, not in just one day but in many days, come rain or shine, our yard always would look better than the inside of the house. Of course it always left me the problem with a house that lacked spring cleaning, but then what was a hot summer day for, if not for doing that job with the AC on and off?

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