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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/879097-Mirror-Mirror-On-the-Wall
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#879097 added April 11, 2016 at 10:22am
Restrictions: None
Mirror, Mirror On the Wall
Prompt: If a narcissist looks at a mirror what do you think he'll see? Feel free to get into his/her head.


She looks at herself and sees the entire perfection of creation on her face. She is so incomparable to others in every way. Every line and every feature is magnificent. Not only her physical features but what lies behind them is splendid, too. No one can match the abilities those piercing small blue eyes and perfectly shaped Roman nose conceal.

No one has her intelligence, attractiveness, and ability for accomplishment. No one is as likable and conscientious as she is either. She may not be as agreeable all the time, but then, it is up to the others to agree with her, because she is always right. This is her power, and with this face ending in a square jutting jaw, she can and does dominate over others. Others like her poor sister, the loser. If only her sister had only a small bit of her assets, but alas, that idiotic wretch! Her sister even tried to give her some reality check. What reality? How can she know of reality if she rarely looks at a mirror? Her and all those other losers, but who cares when they are all so easy to manipulate...

She takes the comb and rakes through her strawberry-blond hair with orangey hues here and there. She takes good care of it, and why not, if the creation gave her such a great and flashy piece of fuzz on her fantastic head? Why, she could even run for the president of the local Women's Club. Come to think of it, don't her looks remind her of someone she recalls seeing on TV so often? That candidate for the US president? Hmmmmm!

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