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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/878245-Being-a-Writer
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#878245 added April 3, 2016 at 2:52pm
Restrictions: None
Being a Writer
We are writers because we write about things that matter to us and hope that maybe they will matter to others, also. Even if they didn’t matter to anyone, we’re still going to write, right?

The phenomenal thing is, in the various fields of arts, many artists exist whether they are known or unknown, whether they win awards or not, whether their work is approved or not, published or not, shown in galleries or not. They still write, paint, sing, or compose to their hearts’ content because that’s what artists always do. They need neither recognition nor approval because it is the work that matters. They do whatever their art commands them to do because their work is the product of a human mind that needs to show it aesthetic and emotional capabilities.

Moreover, we writers use language to convey ideas. Language is our culture as well as all areas of life, emotion, ideas, and cognition. Writers are important because way we use our language can cause ideas to occur to other minds. In this way, we can enable serious processes of vision and conversation.

Then, as language changes so does the writing or the understanding of its rules. Poets and writers sense this evolution better than dictionary-makers and grammarians. Most gifted writers, in their time, have used words and constructions that the academia insisted to be incorrect.

So, what I wish to say this Sunday is that we keep on doing what feels good to us in our insides. Especially because April is the poetry month and most of us are eager to honor it.

Happy poetry month, WdC and Blog City, and keep writing!

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