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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/877285-Peter-Rabbit-and-Such
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#877285 added March 24, 2016 at 12:23am
Restrictions: None
Peter Rabbit and Such…
Prompt: What did you love about Easter as a child? How do you feel about Easter now that you're older?


I always loved the bunny stories. The rest of the stuff tired me out. I especially liked Beatrix Potter’s Peter Rabbit stories. I think that is still a good book for children with all kinds of animal tales in it. I was already reading at a very young age, so I read them to my imaginary friend, whose existence scared my mother. I recall a fierce, bad, naughty rabbit and a good one, and Peter Rabbit who defied his mother and went into someone’s garden where he had to hide to save his life.

I also liked Brer Rabbit for being a trickster and a rascal. Uncle Remus’s stories, I think, was that book.

Aside from those and other similar books, I didn’t care much about the holidays, on account of the clothing which was usually a problem. I always picked a nice summery dress to wear, but then at the last moment if the weather was cold, and it was usually cold, they would make me wear long stockings and a coat over it. I would get furious because of it.

As to my adult feelings on any holiday, they are more or less the same. I’d rather be walking on the sand at the beach than follow any rituals. Plus, I found out that the Energizer bunny is more helpful than the Easter bunny especially if the batteries last longer in my reading lamps. *Wink* *Smile*

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