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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/876349-Uplifting-Music
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#876349 added March 12, 2016 at 12:13pm
Restrictions: None
Uplifting Music
Prompt: Does a particular song or piece of music get you energized? Write about a time when the right song at the right moment helped you power through.


I guess the right song at the right moment can help a person through; yet, I can’t remember any song in an adverse situation helping me, although I always find tranquility in listening to a few selected classical music pieces and encouragement in some songs. Then, vice versa, some songs pull me down, too.

I can understand how people, who go through hardships and relationship problems, can prefer sad music that reflects their negative mood. It is as if their grief becomes validated. On the other hand, joyful or relaxing music can provide some kind of a therapy.

If I am not mistaken, even a music therapy association is in existence. In medicine, music is used as well. I recall being asked what kind of music I preferred during a cat-scan, possibly because music has a way to calm the brain with soothing sounds to make the patients breathe easier and to slow down their heart rates while they are pushed inside a machine that may give them claustrophobia.

Although in general, I prefer Beethoven’s music, my favorite being the Moonlight Sonata, there are two songs I like that make me feel more cheerful. They are:

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