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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/868297-Musing-on-My-First-Drafts-and-Todays-Prompt
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#868297 added December 10, 2015 at 1:45pm
Restrictions: None
Musing on My First Drafts and Today’s Prompt
Prompt: Your local electronics store has 3 new products: Time machine, a door that goes anywhere you want or a helmet that lets you see the future. You can only afford one. Which one do you choose?


None of the above, but if I have to, I’ll take the door, at least I’ll know where I am going, which goes to show how I am not that imaginative with my writing. *Laugh*

Mixed flowers in a basket

Now that I’ve answered the prompt, I’ll examine the idea of leaving stuff in its first draft, which I’ve been doing with all my NaNo novels, partially because I am lazy and partially because I’m scared stiff I’ll make them even worse. With the first draft, I try not to make gross mistakes, but a few may have escaped my attention. No problem, if I don’t publish.

The idea that all first drafts suck may not be correct, either. Some of the self-published novels I sometimes read--or do not finish reading--have a several serious problems with them, and a few of those have had editors. My guess is they were not true editors but other friend-writers. Nothing wrong with that if both writers had a good grasp of the craft, and I can always overlook a tiny problem or two; however, some of the time, I find a lot more than that.

On the other hand, it is possible the muse is kind enough to show up during the first draft. If he or she didn’t, a novice writer would be too discouraged to continue or may not see the holes as he or she is writing; yet, a more experienced one cringes even through the initial writing process. In my case, I enjoy the writing process so much, I don’t care if I have typed some stupidity or other. *Laugh*

This is fine; my writing can improve later if I keep at it. Yet, what if I keep making the same mistakes, novel after novel? Since I have banished my editorial muse, I don’t care, while I write, for what she keeps yelling at me. Her observations, as correct as they may be, are irritating. I’ll, however, beg her to return with a long list of to-dos when I finally decide to fix my novels at the expense of my writerly delights. Will that day come? Do I have that long a life left?

Who cares how time flies when one is having so much fun!

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