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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866062-Superstitions-Stepping-Away-Dealing-with-Life
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#866062 added November 13, 2015 at 11:53pm
Restrictions: None
Superstitions-Stepping Away-Dealing with Life
Prompt: Friday the 13th.
Superstitions temporarily aside tell me something you wish was "glow in the dark". Why would you like it to be that way? What purpose would it help the most in your life.


Friday the Thirteenth hit me big time today. Hubby hurt her back. Fridge went kaput. Some of the freezer stuff is in the cooler. My kitchen is a mess, and the guy who can look at it can only come tomorrow, and it’s iffy. And between hubby’s BenGay and emptying the darn thing, my eyes are crossing into each other. To top it off, Microsoft put in updates doing away with my open files, but this was the easiest of it all. As to NaNo, maybe I’ll stick in the event of fridge-going-kaput into the story.

To tell you the truth, nothing glows in the dark at this very moment, except my sense of humor. Yeah, I guess I could never live in this world without laughing at all the unforeseen mishaps. One thing I learned in my too long life (it feels too long today) is to laugh everything off. We’ll see if I’ll still be laughing by the evening.

*Edited to add: If nothing else says Friday the thirteenth in November is off-putting, what happened in Paris clearly is scary for the entire world, or at least for the civilized part of it. As we mourn with the French, whatever I wrote earlier about my tiny little life seems to be so senseless. Yes, it still may be my little life, but there are much much bigger issues facing our human family. *Cry**Worry*


Do you need to step away from an area of your life? Like a bad situation or spending too much time at doing something?

No, I don’t think so. Not now, anyway.

I did, however, walked away, ran away, or even flew away over the ocean from uncomfortable and bad situations in the past. Should push come to shove, I’d still do my utmost to stay away or run away from a toxic situation.


Prompt: We’re all victims of what life deals out. It's how we handle it, that's important. Nora Roberts Do you agree?

Yes, I agree. Most things in life do happen as the results of our choices, but then there are things that take place out of the blue or without us having to do anything with them. For example, we can’t choose our parents, the country we are born in, or what our bodies have inherited.

Instead of buckling under pressure, living in spite of and above the negatives of what life deals out is what may be called a successful living. How we handle what is thrown our way, whether we fight or flee or just walk away shows our mettle. It never works out when we live our lives as zombies, still floundering in a bad situation and doing nothing about it.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/866062-Superstitions-Stepping-Away-Dealing-with-Life