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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/864902-Crazy-Writing
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#864902 added November 2, 2015 at 11:09am
Restrictions: None
Crazy Writing
Prompt: They say you’re only crazy if you think so. Can you think of some crazy writing ideas, and what is the craziest writing idea you ever attempted?


Here’s a list, which is what I can think of right now.

1. Writing while walking = I’ve done that

2. Writing in a moving vehicle = Done that, too.

3. Writing while standing up = I bought a tall laptop table for that, but my writing goes slow when I am standing. Surfing the net, however, is okay. You’d think writing while standing up would help the brain; it doesn’t mine. Nothing helps mine. *Lightning* So I adjusted a swivel desk chair to it; I am now still sitting and writing while my laptop rests on the tall laptop stand. Much ado for nothing.

4. The writing prompts that are far out:

• The erotic love life of someone respectable or making fun of an idea or belief you or others revere-I haven’t tried that, possibly out of fear; you know what happened to Salman Rushdie.
• Thinking from the POV of some object that can’t think and having it take an active role in the lives of your characters; come to think of it, not a bad idea. All those 'think's here. Maybe too much thinking is counterproductive.
• Write in another language you know little or not at all. I did that while learning a language or two with dire results, making my teachers reach for their AK-47s.
• Have your inner critic write for you. Gotcha, Inner Critic!

Never mind the list I just came up with. The craziest writing idea I ever attempted is the one I am doing now, for NaNo. The idea is not too bad, but it might lend itself better to a novella thought better with a good amount of preparation and written while taking a longer time; not for NaNo in a month and with the 50,000 words hanging over my head like the sword of Demosthenes. *Headbang*

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