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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/863901-Fashion-Trends-are-a-Sham
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#863901 added October 23, 2015 at 6:19pm
Restrictions: None
Fashion Trends are a Sham!
Name a fashion or a trend that is currently out of style that you wish would make a comeback? Or name one that you wish would disappear forever.


I wish all fashion trends would disappear. If it did, no one on earth could make women cover-up or open up to the nth degree and make men wear ties that make them look as if they are choking to death.

I don’t know who made fashion become a reflection of social, economic, political and cultural changes, but someone did it sometime. Leading the culprits is the greed of the luxury industry. The industry’s modus operandi is stamping a logo on everything and enticing the rich and famous into becoming the leader of the craze.

Rather than using clothing as a defense against the elements, we have turned into maniacs who wear the latest things. It is not just the clothing, though; fashion trends show up in house and garden decorations and in the designs of the vehicles. As a result, this creates impulsive shopping habits. Except, a few savvy customers have learned to follow their own hearts and do with their belongings whatever strikes their fancy.

I know any industry is valuable in producing jobs, but should job creation serve to empty the pockets of the people? I don't think so. I think job creation should serve the people, without corrupting them.

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