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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/862185-Music-to-My-Ears
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#862185 added October 8, 2015 at 2:28pm
Restrictions: None
Music to My Ears
Prompt: What kind of music did your parents listen to? Did it influence you to listen to the music you listen to now?


My mother and her friends loved romantic popular music of their time. If my mother’s eyes could reflect the music she loved, her irises would show double hearts, like this: *Heart**Heart*, instead of brown circles.

I guess, just maybe, she influenced me but not to the greatest degree. I like the lovey-dovey music okay, although I am a lot more into Classical, starting with Beethoven. Given an option, say between Sinatra and Moonlight Sonata, I’d definitely pick the Sonata any time and at any place. On the other hand, if the lovey-dovey music was piping from the speakers while I am in a department store, I wouldn’t go, “Eeew! *Sick*.”

In addition, I also like folk music from different cultures. That, my mother really didn’t care for. Had she lived to hear it, she also wouldn’t have cared for the cacophony in heavy metal, and neither have I, although I have to say, depending on the piece, some of those sounds-non-grata sometimes had a good beat to them.

One thing both my mother and I liked and stopped to listen was the natural music, such as the pitter patter of the rain, teakettle’s humming as the water boiled, waves lapping the sands, thunder and wind, birdsongs, cat meows, etc.

I think listening to sounds around oneself can be pointed out to little children, but the appreciation of music is a personal thing and it can’t be taught, unless the person is a copycat and hasn’t developed his or her own tastes.

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