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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861434-Autumn-and-To-Dream-in-Fiction
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#861434 added October 1, 2015 at 12:54pm
Restrictions: None
Autumn and To Dream in Fiction
Autumn and Halloween

Prompt: October 1. Autumn and Halloween. Do you decorate for autumn and Halloween? Do you enjoy autumn?


I used to love autumn when we lived where autumn was. Where I now live autumn is green like any other season. This, too, has its desirable points, but without the colorful leaves floating in the air and the slightly pinching cold one welcomes after a hot summer. I loved autumn then, even though my allergies were worst in that season.

The same is true of Halloween. I decorated our place with a lot more care when I had my children home than I do nowadays. Now I only hang a small witch on the front door and buy candy for the few kids who show up, trick or treating.


floating from the sky
scarlet leaves of bitterness
soon the harvest moon

shrill wild geese in flight
the brook sluggish like the sap
gold turns sepia

horse chestnuts rolling
over vermilion piles
on the rusty lawn

with final farewells
a lonely heart, breaking in
the bare arms of oaks


To Dream in Fiction

At nights, I love holding my Kindle and reading before I fall asleep. I also enjoy my dreams when the stories I read conspire to flood them. Finding myself as part of a fictional world is so awesome while I sleep.

What doesn’t penetrate into my dreams is my make-shift tent over the Kindle to subtract the excess light, because I don’t want to wake up my husband who is extremely light sensitive.

The tent is composed of an old sturdy VHS tape cover that opens like a book and a tee-shirt. Inside VHS tape cover, I secure the Kindle with two sturdy elastic bands. This forms the frame over which I drape a thick cotton, extra-large, black tee-shirt. One-half of the shirt also covers my head. I leave a tiny opening on one side for air, and I am off to my fictional world, which will later infiltrate my dreams.

© Copyright 2015 Joy (UN: joycag at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/861434-Autumn-and-To-Dream-in-Fiction