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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860653-The-Most-Important-Thing
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#860653 added September 21, 2015 at 5:48pm
Restrictions: None
The Most Important Thing
Prompt: The most important thing in your life.
Has it changed over time or has it stayed the same? If you so wish, tell us what it is.


I hope hellfire and damnation won’t rain down on me for changing “the most important thing for me,” at the drop of a hat. At this very moment, I can say the most important thing is to keep the peace and quiet I have in my life, the status quo so to speak, and to never stop growing as a person.

If it were about a month ago when I overturned the coffee pot on my left hand and burned it, the most important thing then was to have the burn-pain go away and have the hand healed. Now that it’s accomplished, I don’t think about it all that much.

When the dinner I am cooking is late, then the most important thing for me becomes to get dinner on the table as quickly and as edibly as possible. When I am writing anything, finishing what’s spilling out of my fingers on the keyboard in a halfway decent fashion becomes the most important thing in the world, too. Yeah, you may say, “Those are mundane things,” and you would be right, but momentarily, mundane things do become the most important thing in the world.

Yet, my idée fixe for world peace, health and welfare of friends and family, keeping myself and my brain intact, and keeping my personal peace while contributing to life the best way I know how always keeps buzzing in the back of my mind together with the most important thing of that specific moment. What is also important is that I am not the person who runs toward what scares her, but if what I fear shows up in front of me, I usually grab it by the horns. I never want to lose this side of me or other useful sides of me. That too is a most important thing.

In short, I always remodel my thinking and shapeshift, when it comes to certain ideas behind statements like this, although this one was my very own prompt. *Laugh*

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860653-The-Most-Important-Thing