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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860547-How-to-Videos
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#860547 added September 20, 2015 at 6:24pm
Restrictions: None
How-to Videos
Do you ever watch how-to videos on YouTube? Tell us about a lesson you learned from watching a video.


I rarely watch how-to videos on YouTube, but I watch cooking videos on other sites more. I don’t think the people who talk about cooking on YouTube are cooks to start with, and also, I watched a couple of such videos where the person cooking had no idea what she was doing. The more serious cooking sites have much better videos that far surpass what YouTube has.

On YouTube, I like to watch the videos where people talk about writing or history; although, as to writing, I don’t think I learned anything new even from the established authors, but it is nice to listen to them for figuring out their characters and their style of writing. Also, a few of the classics are there in YouTube videos, but I don't watch them. I download the video, turn it into audio with an app, and listen to it from my tiny MP3 players that fit into a shirt pocket while I do housework.

I can’t recall any single lesson that I have learned from watching a video on YouTube, but there is one video that gave me an idea of a cleaning solution that is perfectly organic, which I still use same solution for cleaning anything, but I don’t recall where I watched it. It wasn’t YouTube, though.

Also, there are some videos whose overall facts make me recall and review similar facts that I had learned way back when, for example Latin roots.

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