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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/860294-The-Book-and-its-Pages
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#860294 added September 17, 2015 at 6:29pm
Restrictions: None
The Book and its Pages
Prompt: A book is only the heart's portrait-every page a pulse. What are your feelings on this?


I think it depends on the book. Some books in existence do not qualify to be my heart’s portrait. Frankly, even I don’t know what my heart’s portrait is. My cardiologist has a better picture, but that’s only the physical one. The other, more important part, is a mystery, even to me. If it weren’t a mystery, why would I go around surprising myself?

As to, every page a pulse condition, the only book I can think of, in which each page had an effect on me, is still my childhood favorite, The Little Prince by Saint Exupery. I guess, the shorter this book was, the more condensed had been its message, thus the pulse.

Anyhow, this quote of Emily Dickinson’s is about the Bible, written in a letter. If there is one thing I am not going to volunteer my opinions on--in a place open to the entire world--is any kind of religious discussion.

However, for those nosy people like me, here’s the text of the entire letter:

letters from dickinson to elizabeth holland
To Mrs. J.G. Holland
after Christmas 1882

Sweet Sister,

The lovely recollection - the thought of those that cannot "taste" - of one tho whose faint Bed all Boons were brought before revealed, made the sweet Package mighty - It came so long it knows the way and almost comes itself, like Nature's faithful Blossoms whom no one summons but themselves, Magics of Constancy -

The Fiction of "Santa Claus" always reminds me of the reply to my early question of "Who made the Bible" - "Holy Men moved by the Holy Ghost," and though I have now ceased my investigations, the Solution is insufficient -

Santa Claus, though illustrates - Revelation

But a Book is only the Heart's Portrait - every Page a Pulse -

Thank you for the protecting words - The petit Shepherd would find us but a startled flock,
not an unloving one -

Remember me to your Possessions, in whom I have a tender claim, and take sweet care of the small Life, fervor has made great - deathless as Emerson's "Squirrel" -

Vinnie gives her love and will write, if a Lady goes away who is calling here - Maggie prized your remembrance - Austin seldom calls - I am glad you were glad to see him - He visits rarely as Gabriel -

Emily -

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