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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/859448-I-ImagineTeletransportation
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#859448 added September 7, 2015 at 4:57pm
Restrictions: None
I Imagine…Teletransportation
Prompt: As a step forward from science fiction, quantum theory and general relativity physics have been successfully exploring the concept of teleportation in our time. If teleportation were to become possible, what kind of things would your imagination carry and to where?


Since teleportation is also called teletransportation, I would teletransport to the future when cures to the diseases are securely established and the warring gene in men is eradicated. Then I would carry back some of those cures and sweet talk a couple of scientists to teletransport with me to our present day, to eradicate disease and do away for good with the warring gene. Chances are, I would find other advancements in a few more areas, too, and would try to bring those to our present time, as well.

Would I have fear to do this? I don’t think so, but even if I would be afraid, I would still go ahead with this trek, because I think wisdom should always overcome fear. There is such a thing as a leap of faith, too, to throw oneself and one’s heart across the millenniums and trust the people of the future to catch me and help me. Flying through the void with no certainty of landing isn’t an easy attempt to look forward to, but I think my flight would be stealthy but with the best interests of my species at heart. Besides, I feel there has to be a lot more for humankind than what we are experiencing today.

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