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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/858914-Something-I-never-thought-to-write-about
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#858914 added September 1, 2015 at 8:53pm
Restrictions: None
Something I never thought to write about...
Prompt: If you could write on something you have never thought of to write about before, like a different idea, genre, or method, what would it be and how would you go about it?


I think I tried just about anything, not always with the best results. What I haven’t tried before is a movie script. I wrote a few stage plays, but not a movie script. To do that, I’d probably have to do a great deal of research and have a serious talk at length with a cameraman and a movie producer. I know how the script is written, as a format, but it would be difficult for me, without any research and a cameraman’s input, to figure out or think of the shots and scenes as to when the focus concentrates and goes in and out from a smaller part of a scene, then jumps to another scene. I can imagine all this, but I’d rather write something knowing about it 100 %. I am being a stickler on this, because not enough knowledge on the writer’s part is possibly the result of the movies turning out to be lesser than the novels or other material they are adapted from.

Other than that, I could write about people very close to me. I have written poetry referring to them here and there, but I never used family members in my fiction. For example writing about the generation before me would be fun, but I’d have to change a lot, such as names, places, even to a smaller degree incidents. Somehow, I think this isn’t doable for me without stepping on toes or in giving the subject the care it deserves.

On second thought, a better idea for me might be to stick with the movie script about fictional characters, and not touch the people I know.

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