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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/841902-To-My-Clone-with-Love
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#841902 added February 19, 2015 at 12:23pm
Restrictions: None
To My Clone, with Love…
Prompt: You have just cloned yourself. What responsibilities will you give your clone?


Look here, Clone Joy, you have been a huge mistake, but now that you are here, I can’t do anything about it. Getting rid of you would equal to murder. So let’s get our priorities straight. I don’t want a new kind of identity theft by you. From here on, your name is not Joy but you will be called Coy. And coy you will be. Just stay in the background.

Except, you can impersonate me, if the doctors tell me I have to have another colonoscopy. You can have that instead of me. Believe me, it is an experience no one should miss. Just ask Katie Couric. By the way, I think she underplayed that whole thing.

Also as Joy you’ll be when waiting in the doctors’ offices instead of me, as sometimes this can be an eternity, and when I am called in, you will go instead of me. You have my whole-hearted permission for this.

As things stand, I am not asking too much of you for having cloned you and letting you experience life. In return, I expect that you make my life a bit easier by taking the medical establishment off my hair.

In a way, I am indebted to you, too. If it weren’t for you, I was planning to go live with the Sherpas in Tibet where no doctor can reach, but I did hesitate for being addicted to my creature comforts. Therefore, you can live with me and use all the conveniences, services, and goods that I have, and in return, you know what you’ll have to do.

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