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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/841397-Mind-Reading
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#841397 added February 14, 2015 at 1:42pm
Restrictions: None
Mind Reading
Happy Valentines Day *Heart*
Prompt: Agree or Disagree ?
It's easier for a woman to read a man's mind then it is for a man to read a woman's mind.


I really don’t know whether to agree or disagree with this claim: “It's easier for a woman to read a man's mind then it is for a man to read a woman's mind.” I will, however, try to speculate on the possibilities, based on my puny experiences.

During my youth, since the man had to take the lead especially in the matters of the heart, I found most men to be often self-conscious. Some focused so much on their own behavior that they couldn’t see what a woman thought. It was up to the woman to make him feel at ease and let him know what she was up to or what she wanted. With the arrival of women’s movement, I think, that burden of those charged moments and misunderstandings became a shared thing.

Where I am concerned, I don’t claim I can read anyone’s mind, men or women. I can only deduce an understanding from the signs they put forth. If they are giving false signals, they’ll get false insights from me. If the roles are switched and I don’t tell or show what I want, I don’t think anyone can read my mind either.

Just to be fair, when I checked trying to find out some kind of a scientific basis, the data was iffy and depended on who did the research. According to findings in brain studies, the male brain tied to emotion didn't activate as strongly as a woman’s when viewing the other person’s eyes. This and other so-called results may suggest that men are inferior in reading women’s minds; however, each of these studies are suspect from my point of view, and there is no way to exactly determine the truth in this matter. I will, therefore, conclude that men and women are just about the same in reading each other’s minds, although individual differences may vary.

Yet, the crucial question is, “Do we really want someone else read our minds?” Just think what would happen if everyone read everyone else’s mind. I can guess, CHAOS! This world would be a more mixed-up, more bewildering, and more scary a place.

As Mahatma Gandhi said, “I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.” And I agree with that wholeheartedly whole-mindedly.*Laugh*

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