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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/839131-Brain-Usage
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#839131 added January 21, 2015 at 12:24am
Restrictions: None
Brain Usage
Prompt: They say we only use 10% of our brain. If you could unlock the other 90%, what would you do with it?


Basing on what I have read on the subject, for example on Scientific American, I have to disagree with “they” who say we use only ten percent of our brains.

Barry Gordon of Johns Hopkins School of Medicine believes we use every part of the brain and most of the brain is active almost all the time.

But let us never mind the truth and succumb to the myth. Let us just forget the facts and true science. For the sake of agreeability and for jest, let us say, I use only the ten percent of my brain and can tell through imagination what I would do, if I could use the rest of that gray matter, although I don't think that matter is only gray.

In this fictional case, first, I am not using my ten percent properly anyhow, and what I operate with is not totally reliable most of the time, either. In addition, lately I have been forgetting names especially those of actors and the characters in films. I mean who would forget George Clooney’s name, especially right after he has won a lifetime achievement award? I did…during a conversation with friends. *Blush* Can you imagine!

Yeah, that should settle it; that ninety percent I should use for the names of those handsome and pretty people who dazzle us, doing next to nothing. Yes, I need to remember the names of the actors and their superhuman exploits, plus the incredible IQ increase of a character in the 2014 French sci-fi movie Lucy, whose production aimed to give us the false impression that our brains are not working fully, same as others like it, alongside with the vampires and zombies of the apocalypse that are being served repeatedly to our dulled senses on the screen.

What better way is there than using that ninety percent for storage of all those fleeting, insignificant actor names and movie titles and everything else related to them?

As I said earlier, only in jest... *Wink* *Laugh*

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