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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/838212-My-Blog-The-Way-I-See-It
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#838212 added January 8, 2015 at 1:48pm
Restrictions: None
My Blog: The Way I See It
Prompt: What change, big or small, would you like your Blog to make in the world?

Although I can’t vouch for the world, at least to me, blogs in general and in total have made a big difference. They are fun to read and to find out how people are the same even if they differ in small ways.

Yet, to say my blog will ever influence any change, be it in the smallest fashion, hasn’t even crossed my mind. It is not why I write at all. Plus, I never had the motivation or power to change the world. Heck, I could barely influence the way my own children turned out to be. At the end, they became who they wanted to become, and that’s just fine with me.

I write in my blog because I want to keep writing every day and, although I was hesitant about writing to prompts in the beginning, I find this to be the easiest thing to do since prompts direct my thinking. Inside my blog, I tell what I see, think, feel, and fool around with, and I bet, if it weren’t for the incentive of the Blog City’s comments deal, my readers would be in the range of between one to none. So, with so few readers, how could my blog make even a tiny pinhead of a change in the world?

On the other hand, I love blogging each day because answering the prompts makes me think thoughts that didn’t occur to me earlier, makes me figure things out, splits open my heart, and dumps frustrations and feelings onto the screen. Writing in my blog is like breathing for me. Even on the busiest of days, I try to find those fifteen minutes for it because, when I don’t, something feels missing. What I write may not be an exact answer to a prompt; it may end up sounding paltry; it may exhibit my pettiness. Still, it is when I begin to write in it, it feels as if I am facing the tenderest of moments, as if I am whispering to myself something that lies beneath all the hoopla of my life.

Why would I care, therefore, about making a change in the world when writing is such an important outlet for me? I am only grateful that I am being given this gift of expression, and the reason I write in my blog religiously is because I can’t fathom not doing it.

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