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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/833907-The-Newsroom
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#833907 added November 12, 2014 at 1:36pm
Restrictions: None
The Newsroom
Prompt: If you could be a cast member on any TV Show, which one would it be?


Truth is, at this point in my life, I’d rather be in the audience or watching any TV Show in the comfort of my living room, but if I were to be in the cast of any TV Show, it would have to be The Newsroom created and written by Alan Sorkin. My choice probably has to do with my once-upon-a-time journalism wish.

The Newsroom, although it may be considered a political drama, I enjoy the most for its characters, all of them so human, quirky, interesting, and totally dedicated to their profession. The newsroom’s setting is not so foreign to me either, since I always liked being in a newsroom.

This show's fictional newsroom shows the Atlantis Cable News (ACN) with its main character Will McAvoy. Yet, other characters are written and cast to be just as strong as him without overshadowing who he is. All actors in the show are wonderfully chosen and Jane Fonda’s every now and then appearance also spices up the episodes.

It is said that this show has fewer writers than others of its kind. Still, with its fewer writers, The Newsroom won many awards. The intensity of its existing writers may as well be the reason for its close to perfect storyline and the interconnectedness of its subplots with the general plot.

I heard many people say that they find this show boring or controversial or confusing, but it is the closest one to my heart on today’s TV, maybe because I can relate to it for its subject and close-to-perfect writing.

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