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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/829446-Pahligma
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#829446 added September 30, 2014 at 12:20am
Restrictions: None
Pahligma? Just what is that?

Phlegm comes to mind, but that is too icky to write about.

Google mentions of a place called Pahalgam, which is a town and a notified area committee in Anantnag district of the Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir.

Then there’s the German last name Pahlig. Pahlig's ma? I am not sure if the prompt is asking me to write about some German’s mother.

Since I don’t know and can’t find out what pahligma is, I am going to combine all of the above.

A German man with the last name Pahlig founded a travel agency together with his mother and named it Pahligma. The agency pushed Pahalgam as a travel destination for those who liked trekking, hiking, rafting, horse-riding, golfing, skiing, and nature-photography on the picturesque Himalayas.

Because the cedar forests of the area are oxygen-rich, people with lung problems complaining of constant phlegm in their throats can find a cure there. That is. if you look over the flood threat that looms over the region. As of late, 41 tourists were stranded there, and in another news, two leopards that escaped from the zoo have been circling around the place, probably to hang around with the other wild leopards, black bears, red foxes, and countless vultures that are on alert for your carcass.

As much as I appreciate the Pahlig family’s efforts in founding Pahligma and although I suffer from occasional phlegm in my throat, I’ll refrain from traveling to Pahalgam. I can just as easily meet my maker here in my own bed.


Prompt: Let's go with a creative idea: "Pahligma" - define it

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