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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828839-Fair-Is-Subjective
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#828839 added September 23, 2014 at 10:44am
Restrictions: None
“Fair” Is Subjective
Some people have fair complexion, others olive or dark. Some teachers grade fairly, others subjectively. Looking at things from my point of view, all grading and judging of anything is subjective. When it comes to being fair, as much as we think we are, are we? Aren't we judging others from the point of view of our own backgrounds, our own education, and our own spiritual beliefs? Something to ponder about, I believe.

But then comes the big question. Is life fair? Is creation fair?

I first look at my fingers. They are all fingers, but they have different jobs and they are different sizes. Some fingers do more work than others and are bigger. Yet, are the smaller ones any less important? I don't think so; I wouldn't want to be without any one of them.

Then, what about karma or scriptures of any religion? Does what goes around come around all the time?

I'd like to believe that, but then there are so many mysteries hidden in those things, which the religions tell us to just believe blindly, which I personally take as a master-slave relationship in the area of beliefs. If life was fair, why do little babies die of hunger in third world countries and why do little kids anywhere become ill or are born with birth defects? Why are some people blamed unjustly for crimes they haven't committed and they pay for things they didn't do? Why do entire nations are subjected to the atrocities of wars while others live peacefully?

Maybe there is such a thing as fair. I think I try to treat people fairly, but still do I? Aren't I depending on the tenets of what my belief system, my upbringing, and my education instilled in me to judge what's fair? What about the others who have different beliefs, background, and upbringing? Do they think I am fair? I guess not.

When I consider all those things, I'll have to say "fair" is one-sided in being fair. There may be such a thing as fair, but it is only subjective.


Prompt: There's no such thing as fair. Agree? Disagree? Tap out a few words about it.

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