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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828192-Invention-A-Writer-Isolator
by Joy
Rated: 18+ · Book · Experience · #2003843
Second blog -- answers to an ocean of prompts
#828192 added September 15, 2014 at 1:39pm
Restrictions: None
Invention: A Writer Isolator
In their own way, some inventions make things easier for us. Some may cause revolutions that change history, while others are doomed to be forgotten. This is because the line between usable and crazy is a gray one, and sometimes, ideas that may feel great may not work well in real life. On the other hand, we need extra help to solve the tiny everyday problems we all face.

Since I may be on the selfish side, if I could invent something, I would invent an author isolator, a contraption that is sound proof. This isolator, I don’t know how it would work, could be something like a tent or a mask or just an invisible shield around my desk, but it has to work in a special way in order not to limit my motions or my writing or my reaching out to the bookshelves. It must also make other people think I am there as usual and paying attention to them. This isolator should include a few other services as well such as answering people in my voice but not letting me hear it.

Other Inventions I Might Like

1. Magnet hats/clothing on which you can attach magnets like you do on a fridge.
2. Robot arms I can attach to my body, probably three pairs of them. Sometimes I need more than two arms.
3. A camera that can shoot water like a hidden water gun while I take someone’s photo, so I can catch the funny expression on people’s faces.
4. Ear enhancer satellites for my hubby. He can’t hear me since he ups the volume on the TV so much, all the time. *Laugh*
5. Extended arm on my camera for selfies.
6. Self-watering plant pots for when I am away from home. Current contraptions don’t work.
7. Bedroom slippers with tiny lights in front of them, so I don’t have to bump into furniture at night.
8. Gravity-defying shoes to make my walks easier, and also, to make me jump higher than normal to cause alarm/surprise on other people.
9. Invisible shield for my hair to keep it in place—Yes, I hate hair-spray.
10. Amphibious car, in case I drive into a canal in FL—as some old persons do very often. It must be an old-age quirk to think a canal is a roadway.
11. A robot to do all the cleaning. Rhombus stops when it hits something on the floor. I need a robot that would pick up after my hubby.
12. Some kind of a brain enhancer for data storage, such as names.
13. A juicer that cleans itself.
14. 100% Hurricane-proofed house.


Prompt: If you could invent anything new, what would it be?

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/828192-Invention-A-Writer-Isolator