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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/784347-Meltdown
Rated: 18+ · Book · Writing · #1677545
"Putting on the Game Face"
#784347 added June 7, 2013 at 10:11am
Restrictions: None

We are witnessing the meltdown of the Executive Branch. As more excesses and abuse are discovered, these will fuel an ever growing sense of public outrage.

It started with Benghazi, continued with the IRS scandal, then came the AP revelations that indirectly led to James Rosen being named in a subpoena as a coconspirator. Now are coming revelations that the National Security Agency has gotten records from Verizon and likely every other telephone company in the country on all calls made nationally and internationally.

Amid all this abuse the White House expects the American people to “Trust Them.” Until the current administration came along most moderates had a general sense of trust in our government. Sure, most reasoned, there would be some abuses but basically any administration would work within the Constitution and serve the general welfare of the people. Were we naïve or what?

Benghazi has been swept under the carpet in a cloak of secrecy hiding from the American people what happened that fateful night when an Ambassador and three other Americans were killed. The President’s National Security Advisor has resigned for no apparent reason and has been replaced by a woman whose claim to fame is that she mislead the nation as to what happened… "A spontaneous demonstration that got out of hand..." Get real! She got the job as National Security Advisor for her loyalty to an administration that has circled the wagons to weather the coming storm. Does that inspire trust?

Then came the IRS Scandal. Not only was the power of Government used for political purposes--- to target those who held views that ran contrary to the Administrations, but revelations have shown that $50 million dollars was spent by bureaucrats on lavish self serving conferences. What we can expect in future testimony is perhaps more details on how information gathered from inappropriate questionnaires were fed into a common data base, used to generate an “Enemies List.” That this list was orchestrated to insure a “Pile On” of intimidation by other agencies. Is anyone wondering how information generated by 401K applications found its way to OSHA and the FBI? How much trust does this inspire?

Then there was the heavy handed gathering of AP records that got one member of the Administration’s love bird media’s all spun up. The stupidity of this blunder defies common sense. The reason the scandalous behavior of the current administration has gone unchecked is because most of the media have turned a blind eye to fair and honest reporting. Except of course for FOX news. And on the heels of the AP revelations James Rosen, a top FOX news commentator, was named a “Coconspirator” in a justice subpoena of all his phone records. Does this inspire trust or send a chill to the opposition?

The latest is that the NSA has a secret computer facility in Utah. This mammoth information gathering hub is capable of taking every phone call made inside and outside the United States and determining who made the call, who received it, how long it lasted…. not to mention all the cell towers it passed through. How long is it going to take these "Chicago Politicians" to realize what a gold mine they have here. After learning about all the other abuses going on how much trust does this inspire in our Government?

The current Administration considers itself above the law and does not hesitate to trample on the safeguards provided by the Constitution. Our founders warned us to be wary of big government and provided us some safeguards. Unfortunately, it has become a hollow document the current Administration pays little heed to.

What we are witnessing is just the beginning. The paste is out of the tube and we need to brace ourselves for the firestorm that is coming.

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