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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/751157-Doomed
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#751157 added April 17, 2012 at 12:05pm
Restrictions: None
We're doomed.

We're alone in an uncaring, unfeeling universe.

Wait... let me back up and I'll explain how I came to this inevitable conclusion.

One of the blogs I follow is called English Russia. I want to visit Russia someday, so I find the stuff fascinating.

Usually, that is. Sometimes, though, you get something like this:


I mean, go look at that. Really. It appears that this Russian chick has done... things... to her face and body that make her look like some kind of living Barbie.

There's a concept used in video game and animation design called the "uncanny valley." You've probably heard of it. If you haven't, here's the Wikipedia page:


To summarize, if a robot or animation looks almost, but not quite, human, we react more negatively to them than if they look like, I don't know, R2D2 or something.

What we have in the Russia link above is, apparently, a human female who dips into the uncanny valley from the other end. Either that, or Russia is poised to take over the world with its army of fembots.

As I realized this, I remembered that Japan had made almost-realistic fembots, and so I made the grave error of Googling "Japanese fembot." Shut up; I had SafeSearch on. It wasn't hentai that made me realize we're doomed. What I did find makes hentai seem safe, even comforting, by comparison.

It was this: (safe for work if not sanity)


Three things went through my mind within the first microsecond of looking at that link:

1) Holy shit, it looks more human than the Russian chick.
2) What? Sanrio did that? The same company who has unleashed the Nefarious Neko upon a helpless world?
3) Wait... that means that they can now create an army of Hello Kitties that will TAKE OVER THE WORLD.


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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/751157-Doomed