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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/717018-Epic-Fail
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1523686
Nothing like a fortune cookie to make a year intriguing.
#717018 added February 2, 2011 at 3:29am
Restrictions: None
Epic Fail
"I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." ~Thomas Edison
Currently listening to: "Progeny" - Lisa Gerrard
Currently reading: "Poison Eaters: and Other Stories" by: Holly Black

...better known as "The Day That Could Not Be Crashed".

Today I attempted to crash a couple of classes. This was a failure of epic proportions on my part. However, like any good tale, I'll start at the beginning.

This last Friday I emailed a few professors to see if I could petition into their full classes. Sometimes this cuts out rising early in the morning and attending a class you have no hope of getting into. Sometimes you get in without even trying simply for asking the question. And sometimes, if the college gods are looking down favorably at you, this greases the wheels when you do go to that crack-of-dawn class because it shows you were trying. Not so much today.

The first morning class I couldn't make it to because of transportation reasons. However, in great hubris, I thought I could get into the same course on a different day. More on that later. Rearranging my schedule, I met with my Anthropology professor I went to Ireland with to discuss getting credit for my work there. I had taken the prescribed course already and was hoping to earn my units elsewhere. Unfortunately, after making a very large goof that cost me twenty minutes of wait time and my dignity, he very kindly told me this wasn't going to happen. I did, however, get a letter of recommendation. Not all bad.

Now I have the same focus as a Saturday basketball player looking for a pick-up game. I need a class to replace the three units I was just denied. After depositing my tuition check in the bank (really nice feeling, that check in the bank). I head home and jump on my laptop, chattering at my mom about how I'm going to find a magic class to replace those credits. I'm trying to be optimistic. This is not my usual attitude. This is my fallback position. Understandably, I suck at this as noted by the email response I got from one professor I was banking on to get me into aforementioned psychology class. It was a no go. There was no room to squeak by in, and the waiting list is a foot long. Damn it.

The focus is now on two pick-up classes. Two classes I need to get me closer to transfer. Two classes where I fill that hole of being declared a full-time students. Two classes that aren't filled to the brim. That means more crashing, more juggling around of a schedule that is as jumbled as a jig-saw puzzle.

I can do this.


Like I said, I suck at being upbeat.

Trying to keep bright though. I won two days in the "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed. Yay! The grammar I put forth in this blog is pretty scary. Imagine reading my work done in a fifteen-minute scramble to a picture prompt. Not pretty. But if you feel like looking at train wrecks, feel free to read my entries - "Beat The Clock.. Shameless plug, I know, but you can do that on your own blog, right? Right?! Never mind.

My goal is to try to enter in one competition a month. "15 for 15 Contest --- Closed was my January entry. I'm spying "Short Shots: Official WDC Contest or possibly a couple of others for this month. If I can keep up the pace I'll be thrilled. If I win, I'll be ecstatic. Beat that with a stick, un-crashable classes.

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