Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/709244-Silver-Lining
Rated: 13+ · Book · Nature · #1595750
My collection of nature poems with people. Imagist and modern. (poems from 2009-2012).
#709244 added October 24, 2010 at 7:15pm
Restrictions: None
Silver Lining
silver lining
car with a silver lining
this way
one way
stop at the stop sign
he is home
no more stories about
summer driving
why, when he's traveling
thirty years
no flower store
and shady sign
long grass
nothing familiar
no wind
no farm
with wheel ruts
not possible
this new one down
the words
it keeps the words
word-by-word rewriting

when he is back
then the room will be filled
with his music
when he is away
the quiet is
like the afternoon
with no seaside

I wrote a few books but none for him
right now
people think that evey writer writes for all
I don't know why
is that the management
wouldn't be glad if that

so, when you are writing in the
shade by the flower store
then talking to your friends
why did you think
that music would change
because young people change
believe that people change
every year or two

all their friends change
he didn't change
he did change

now he listens to the
radio like other kids

I wrote him a song
I'm working
during the days
I'll have friends who
have the same life
looking back
which I don't hear every day
when I'm addressed

© Copyright 2010 Philwon (UN: l.weil at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/709244-Silver-Lining