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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/697319-Lost-in-the-Flood
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#697319 added May 25, 2010 at 9:53pm
Restrictions: None
Lost in the Flood
SHUT THE FUCK UP about LOST, already!

I've been getting the DVDs from Netflix which of course is a season or two behind, and I don't want to hear about the goddamn ending.

Bad enough I had to put up with that shit with the Sopranos.

It's not that I care about "spoilers." I'm just sick and goddamn tired of references to shit I haven't seen.

I'm on the internet so I don't get tempted to buy cable, and everywhere I look, some geekfest is blabbing on about how Darth Vader is Sawyer's father, or how Keyser Soze killed their whole families, or what Ginger did to Mary Ann, or how John Locke named his sled Rosebud.


I know how this works, you know. Now everyone's going to comment here about the goddamn ending. That's okay. I can ignore [blog comment] emails for the duration.

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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/697319-Lost-in-the-Flood