Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/644760-Chapter-3
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1542564
Danu is a shifter, Chosen by a vamp, loved by a Were and stuck in a middle of a war.
#644760 added April 10, 2009 at 9:21pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 3

              We sat in a cozy corner booth of a small private resturant called Sage. All of the Were's knew about Sage; Tanner, Adam's second in command wolf was the owner. It was impressively nice and pricey as hell, but they had great steak and prime rib, and it was quiet and private.

              I sat next to Adam, and smiled at him tentatievly, "Thanks for taking me out tonight."

              "I'm glad you decided to come. I know your confused, and I just want you to know theres no pressure. I just want to get to know you better," he laid his hand gently on my exposed thigh.

              His skin against mine sent chills up and down my spine, I was extremely nervous, like a 16 year old going on her first date ever. Next I'd be stuttering and blushing. Get a grip! I demanded to myself, This is Adam, you've known him for awhile and have been much closer than this with him too many times to count!

              Tanner personally came to wait on us; he was wearing a black polo shirt with Sage written in a respective color of green, and pair of black slacks. He was average height (about 6 foot) but build like a brick wall, with muscles all over and muscles all over his muscles. His hair was short and black, his eyes were a sage green. If I didn't know him personally I'd be running off with my tail between my legs.  I smiled kindly at him.

              "What can I get you tonight, Danu?" He greeted.

              Adam answered for me, "She'll have a steak medium-rare, and a side salad with Italian dressing, no tomatoes, and the house wine. I'll have the prime rib, medium-rare with potatos on the side and the house wine as well."

              Tanner smiled at Adam, winked at me and took our order to the kitchen. I turned to look at Adam.

              "How do you know what I like?" I questioned.

              "I'm observant, and I know you better than anyone, Danu," he replied.

              "I guess I'm the one who should be getting to know you then since you know me so well," I replied cheekily.

            "Ask away, I'm all yours."

            I asked him questions until Tanner came back with our drinks and food, carried percariously on top of a round black tray. I continued to drill him through the course of our meal only stopping to chew or drink. I was amazed at the things I didn't know about Adam. For instance, he had been in the military for 5 years, enlisting only days after graduating high school. He had come home when his father (the previous Alpha) was on his deathbed after having a massive stroke, taking over the family construction business when he passed. He had been married to a human woman, who died shortly after they were married in a horrible car accident. These were things I never thought to ask Adam about or had ever come up in conversation of the months.

            Our conversation could have gone forever, but I stiffened immediatly when the front door to the restruant openedup letting two men in. The hair on the back of my neck stood up on end and I shivered inexplicably. Both of the men were vamps, and one of them was Aiden. I looked down, telling my heart rate to calm before it could speed up letting Adam know something was wrong.

            "Danu?" Adam laughed, I could feel his hand gently caressing my thigh.

              I blushed, "Sorry. What were you saying?"

              "I asked if you wanted desert, or if you just wanted to head onto the next part of our date?"

              "The next part of our date?" I raised an eyebrow, smiling.

              "Yes. Kara told me dancing was another way you liked to get rid of some excess ... energy, so I thought we could go to this new club I heard about. Or would you rather go home?"

              "No, dancing sounds fabulous." I replied, as I clasped his hand that rested on my thigh.

              Adam put a hundred dollar bill on the table as we stood to leave. He put his arm around my waste dominantly as we walked towards the door. I kept my eyes away from the table where Aiden sat with who I was pretty confident was the area's largest coven master, Dominic. I had never met him in person, and I never wanted to, but there was so much dark power and death magic that eminated from that side of the room, I was sure it could only be him. When I looked over at the table for a split second, Aiden raised his glass of deep red wine and smiled wickedly. I turned away and leaned into Adam as we headed out the door.

            "So where are we going exactly?" I asked once we were headed down the road a ways.

            "Hex, its a new club. Kara reccommended it, actually," he replied.

            "When did you and Kara become good friends?" I teased.

            "When I started wooing her best friend," he laughed.

            "Wooing?" I laughed.

            "For lack of better terms. Is it working?" He asked seriously.

            "Hmm.. " I hid a grin, "Consider me becoming woo'd."

            He slid his arm around my waste and I smiled, as we drove. The drive to Hex took less than 10 minutes, and we parked not too far from the front of the club. Like a true gentleman, Adam came around and opened the passenger door for me. I smiled as he helped me out of the car.

            "Thanks. And come here," I reached my hand to his waste and tugged gently on his tucked in shirt, "Untuck it, and leave your jacket here."

            Adam pressed me up against the truck before I could finish. His hard body was warm, and I could feel the arousal coming off of him in waves. He stared down at me intensley before his lips came down and made a trail of kisses up my neck to my very sensitive ears. He nibbled on them, gently breathing down my neck. I shivered and sighed. He stopped and nuzzeled his head on my bare skin, before pulling back.

            "You don't know how amazing you are, my love," he whispered, "Lets go inside."

            I followed him to the next to non-exsistant line to the entrance. He paid the cover charge and we headed into the club. The music seemed louder tonight, but the club was just as packed as the previous night. Adam steered me towards the bar.

            "Let me guess," I grinned and turned to the bar tender, "Whiskey on the rocks and a liquid cocaine please."

            Adam smiled at me and leaned foreward over the bar, "How'd you know?"

            "I've seen you drink whiskey at your house," I grinned, "I'm not as unobservant as you seem to think, just a little blinded at times."

            He shook his head and swollowed his whisky down in one glup and I did likewise with my shot, "Lets dance."

            I pulled him down the stairs to the dance floor. A techno beat blared loud enough I had trouble hearing, but when Adam's warm hands went around my waste I could have cared less. I danced close to Adam for hours, until I was sweating and I could feel him sweating as well. I didn't care what time it was, it was just about dancing and not caring.

            That was until I could feel him, Aiden, walking down the stairs to the dance floor. I don't know why I could feel him the way I could and I didn't like it. Aiden made it so he was about 5 feet away before a low growl eruppted from Adam's throat and his hands moved from holding my waste to pushing me behind him, protectively.

            "There's no need to protect her from me, Adam. I mean her no harm, I swear," Aiden greeted, grin on his face.

            "I'm not inclined to trust a leech like you," Adam replied, hate eminating off of him like nothing I'd ever seen.

            "I just wanted to tell her that the demon that was attacking her last night is taken care of and won't bother her or anyone else for that matter, ever again. And to say thank you for the interesting conversation we had when I dropped her off," Aiden replied, "And to perhaps ask her to dance."

              "Adam," I whispered in his ear, "Just give me a minute with him and I'll explain everything to you on the way home I swear."

              He glared at me but offered no protest as I walked in to the crowd of dancers. He stood arms crossed across his chest, watching us. I glared at Aiden in return, he had a smug look on his face.

            "Thanks," I rolled my eyes, "Now I have to explain everything that happened last night."

            "I appologise, I can smell his scent eminating off of you, I assumed if he marked you as his mate that you naturally have told him everything," Aiden shrugged.

            "Sure. What is it that you want from me then?"

            "I just want to dance," he replied, as he reached out to place a hand on my lower back.

            His hand hit my bare skin, where the back of the dress was open. I nearly fainted in response. His hand was cold but it sent electric shocks up and down my spin, and I felt faint with the sudden recognition of what just happened. I held back the urge to slap him, and instead I glared like there was no tomorrow.

            You marked me, I spoke inside my head, knowing he would be able to hear.

© Copyright 2009 Cierra J (UN: cncj88 at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/644760-Chapter-3