Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/644282-Chapter-2
Rated: 18+ · Book · Dark · #1542564
Danu is a shifter, Chosen by a vamp, loved by a Were and stuck in a middle of a war.
#644282 added April 7, 2009 at 9:25pm
Restrictions: None
Chapter 2

Chapter 2


          I walked into his house, there was no point in knocking, if I'd gotten this far, Adam knew I was here. Never the less I closed it gently behind me, and walked quietly through the house. I'd left my lonely shoe at the door, and now I was making my way to the bedroom. I knew this house almost as well as I knew my own. Adam stood waiting for me in the doorway of his bedroom.

        "I just got your message. You catch a cab?" Adam asked, yawning and stretching, taking up the whole door frame

        "Sort of," I omitted the part about Aiden driving me home without lying (a were could always smell out a lie), "Ran into a little trouble with a Demon though."

        His eyebrow raised, "Do I need to take care of it?"

        "Already done," I put on a weak smile. I closed the few steps that lay between us in a millisecond. 

        Adam was wearing only his tight blue boxer briefs. His body was gorgious, one most guys would have to work out several times a day for, well sculpted in all the right places. His skin was smooth, only a small patch of hair was on his chest, and he was an olive tan I'd have died to achieve. He was taller than me by almost a half a foot, which put him at about 6'4". He was nearly perfect; nearly.

        He pulled me into his arms tightly, but gently and leaned in to inhale mey scent. It was like a welcoming between werewolves. In return he was leaving his scent on me; Marking me. His hands on my hips lifted me and I wrapped my legs around his waste, and my arms around his neck. He carried me easily, as if I were no more then a bag of grocheries, over to his large inviting bed. It was nearly the full moon and we both had excess tension building up inside of us, it was something we couldn't exactly control.

        He let me fall back onto the bed before his body slid comfortably on top of mine. He kissed my neck, as he ran his hands roamed up my thigh. I nearly purred in excitement. I let my hand rest on his chest, the other moving towards his beautiful behind. When his lips met mine I kissed him back playfully. His hands wandered my body, touching the places I liked best. I nibbled on his ear and when he sat up I helped him to pull my dress over my head. It landed in a heap somewhere on the floor.


        Adam's  arm was wrapped around me when I awoke. I had my head nestled into his chest, hand resting gently on his chest. I was completely naked, but was wrapped haphazardly in a sheet and comforter, even though Adam's temperature ran high and he was probably over heated, I was always a little chilly. I could feel Adams chin resting on my head and I could tell by his breathing that he was awake, waiting for me to wake up. I rolled onto my back gently, yawned, and then streched.

        "Good morning," I yawned again.

        "Afternoon actually," he laughed.

        "Technicalities," I smiled.

        "Danu... " Adam started

        "Hmm?" I yawned

        "I know we haven't made this, us I mean, official, but I'd like to, and I'd like to... I'd like to initiate you into the pack."

        Even though I knew better I stiffened and my heart beat raced. I didn't want him to gauge my reaction by my immediate response. I didn't even know how to respond or what I wanted my response to be. I mean I like what Adam and I have, even if I don't like it the same amount he does.

        "I know the others won't necessarily agree, but even though your a shifter I'm confident that I can initiate you into the pack because I'm the alpha. Danu, I love you," he admitted.

        I shouldn't have been surprised, but somehow I was. I mean I always knew Adam took our nights together a little more seriously then I did, but I didn't think it was this serious. I was at a complete loss of words, which rarely happened to me. I knew I didn't love Adam, not the way that he thought he loved me, at least I didn't think I did.

        "You don't have to say anything," Adam added quickly, "I know its probably a big shock, but I just want you to think about it. From the minute I saw you, and my wolf met you, we, I mean I, knew you were my mate."

        I turned and hugged myself against his chest, he pulled me toward him with his arm. I had no idea what I was going to do, this was no little thing he was offering here. Being a shifter ment forever being alone and different from everyone else. Shifter's weren't like were's we didn't band together with each other. The only way to be a part of a group or a family was to be initiated into a were pack of some sort, which didn't happen often. Most were's were too proud to take notice of a Shifter let alone allow them into thier pack. If Adam could initiate me into the werewolf pack I would never be alone, but that would also require that I be his mate, and I didn't know if I could do that. Being mated to my best friend wouldn't be so bad, except I was holding out for true love, the stuff you read about in smutty romance novels, but so far I didn't think that I had found it, and granted I was only a couple weeks over 21, I wasn't exactly holding my breath. I could feel Adam's hand gently rubbing circles on my lower back, sending a tingling up and down my spin. I shivered.

        "I'll start breakfast while you jump in the shower Danu," Adam sighed, before bending his head down to kiss me softly on the lips.

        Adam rolled out of bed, and I smiled as I watched him walk over to his dresser naked. He pulled out a pair of boxer and pulled them on, but not before he caught me staring. He winked and I rolled out of bed laughing. I wasn't embarrassed to be seen naked, were's and shifters alike had to undress to change unless they wanted to shred their clothes each time. We were more then used to being naked in front of others, it just wasn't an issue. I walked out of Adam's room and across the hall to bathroom, without bothering with clothes.

        I smiled, even for being a bachelor's house it was extremely clean and practical, just like Adam, not a towel out of place or a dirty shirt anywhere on the floor. I pulled two towels out of the linen closet and placed them on the toilet before climbing in the shower. The warm water felt amazing, and I didn't try to hurry as I let the warm water relax all of the muscles in my body. After I was confindent I had used most of the warm water, I climbed out reluctantly and wrapped one towel around me and the other around my hair. I hurried to towel dry my hair, and run a brush through the curly auburn tangles.

        I could hear voices coming from the kitchen before I even opened the bathroom door, I may not have been a were, but my hearing was just as good, if not better. Adam's voice was distinctive, and I recognized the other voice as well, I shuddered slightly, it was Mariah; Tall, bleached blond barbie, all legs with big breasts, but with a bitchy attitude, and she definatly had a thing for Adam. I made my way down the hall and into the kitchen.

        I pretended to be shocked, "Oh I'm sorry Adam, I didn't realize Mariah had stopped by." I didn't let that stop me from going over to Adam's fridge and grabbing a bottle of water. I leaned against the counter a small smile on my face.

        "Mariah just dropped by to tell me that she heard you made trouble with a demon last night at Hex. I was just telling her that you'd already told me about it," Adam smiled.

        "That was nice of you to stop by Mariah," I grinned at her. She was angry, I could smell the anger rolling off her in waves. She thought Adam would be here alone, and being so close to a full moon that maybe she could seduce him. I hadn't proclaimed Adam as mine, but I sure as hell didn't want her to have him, of all the people.

        "Adam, I couldn't find my dress in your room, could you help me?" I asked, playing dirty and rubbing it in Mariah's face.

        "Sure, let me show Mariah out," he glared at me seriously.

        I smiled and walked back to the bathroom to grab a bottle of lotion, then made my way to the bedroom. Adam walked in while I was massaging lotion into my legs. I heard him stop at the doorway, I continued what I was doing, I could picture him anyways with his arms crossed and leaning with his back against the doorway. I turned my head to look at him, the most innocent look I could come up with plastered on my face.

        "You know that wasn't nice Danu," he shook his head, a grin playing at the corner of his lips, "Mariah was seething when she left."

        "How aweful," I stuck my tounge out at him, then laughed, "She deserves it, coming here to tattle on me. Plus she thought she would seduce you, being so close to the full moon and all."

        "I'm the Alpha Danu, I'll decide who to punish and when," he raised an eyebrow.

        I turned back to lotioning my legs, grinning. He pounced before I could blink, his arms formed a cage of pure muscle around me. I rolled around so I was facing him. His body was pressed against mine, pinning me to the bed, and I could more then feel how turned on he was. I ran my hand along his chest and down to the waist line of his boxers. I toyed with it idolly.

        "Danu, your amzing, and wonderful. I love you," he sighed, before covering my mouth with his. I let him kiss me, and I even kissed him back.

        His phone ringing broke up our make-out session. He pulled away, "Its work."

        I pulled myself off the bed and made my way over to my crumpled dress on the bedroom floor, in the farthest corner of the room. Adam had left the room, talking on the phone to one of his construction underlings, so I pulled the dress over my head, trying my best to smooth out the wrinkles. I searched but couldn't find my underwear anywhere. I finally gave up looking and said the hell with it.

        I walked out into the kitchen, and pulled up a seat at the breakfast nook. Adam's kitchen was pretty good size, painted a golden yellow (it must have been that way when he moved in, I doubted Adam was really the golden yellowy type person). It wasn't decorated in anyway, but it was clean, just like the rest of the house. He was still on the phone, so I waited patiently.

        "After breakfast, do you mind driving me home?" I asked, after he'd flipped his cell phone closed, " I know its just three measly blocks away and I'd walk, but I lost one of my shoes last night."

        He raised an eyebrow, I knew that look, he wanted me to finish the story.

        "Funny story acturally. That demon, the one who tried to molest me, well I threw my shoe and it ended up embedded in his arm."

        "Only you could make a weapon out of a stilletto heel. I doubt even Rayven would have thought of that," he shook with laughter.

        "Ha ha," I stuck my tongue out at him. Rayven was the werewolves weapon dealer. She reminded me of Kate Beckensale from Underworld, you know black leather outfits sporting leathal weapons in fashionable ways. If I were a lesbian, she'd be on my A list.

        "Can we rain-check breakfast, I have to run out to a job site to check up on some things," his smile faded.

        "Yea, thats fine."

        The ride to my place was quiet, Adam wasn't one to fill the silence with mindless chatter, and for that I was glad. Quiet was good. Even though his truck was large and roomy, I slid over and sat next to him and leaned my head against his shoulder. And although I'd slept all morning, I was tired and no matter how I felt or didn't feel about Adam, he was a comforting force. Leaning against him was like snuggling up to a big teddy bear, or more like a big cuddley wolf.

        When Adam stopped at the front of my house, I turned towards him to give him a small peck on the lips, but Adam pulled me into a deeper, more passionate kiss. When we finally pulled away, I sighed and went to move towards the door.

        "Come out with me tonight," he asked before I could open the door, "Just the two of us. It will be different to be out in public getting to know each other in other ways."

        I couldn't argue with that, so I agreed. Adam said he would pick me up at 8, and I climbed out of the truck and made my way up to front steps of my house. There was a small peice of paper taped to the door. I tore it down and held it in my hand as I unlocked the front door and stepped in. I watched Adam drive away as I closed the door. I couldn't help but smile.

        My palce was nothing special; A modest 2 bedroom, one bath house, that I was renting with Kara. It was somewhat spacious with two perfect sized bedrooms, complete each with its own extra large closet. The bathroom was definatly not large enough for Kara and all of her cometic stuff, let alone to have to share it with me. I kept my comsmetics in a bag in my room, but I had so little it didn't matter anyways. The kitchen was smaller, but there was a dinning room and a breakfast nook, and the living room was more then big enough for our furniture set, and television.

        I could hear Kara sleeping in her bedroom, snoring softly, as I walked to my room. I pulled of the dress I'd been wearing and tossed it into the hamper. I found clean underwear and threw on a pair of jeans and a comfortable hoodie, before opening the note I'd found taped to the door. It read:

        "7pm monday evening


                      With Love,


        With love? I snorted, How the heck did he find out where I lived anyways? He dropped me off at Adam's last night. 

        I didn't know what was up with this mysterious vampire Adrian, but I was sure going to find out. I didn't know weather to be flattered or to find it creepy that he was enough of a stalker to track down where I lived. I decided I'd meet him at Hex on Monday, but only to see what his deal was and put him in his place if that was necessary.

        I laid down on my bed and took a short nap, and I mean very short. Within twenty minutes of falling asleep I was abruptly woken by a body bouncing on my bed. I pretended to stay asleep for as long as I could, but she wasn't falling for it. I rolled over and glared at a bright and cheery Kara.

      "Rise and shine! What time did you get home this morning?" she giggled.

        "I got here at about 1. What about you?" I asked.

        "Did you go home with that cutie from Hex? The one who bought you a drink? Or maybe that guy you were dancing with?" she urged, eager to hear me gush.

        "Neither, I went to ..."

        She interrupted, laughing, "Adam's?"


          "Your giving him the wrong idea Danu, going over their every full moon," she chidded.

          "I know, but I feel so comfortable with him. He's like my best friend, Kara. Plus, its too late. He told me he loved me last night," I sighed, not particuarly thrilled to be talking about my complicated love life.

          "What?! Oh my god Danu! What did you say?"

          "Nothing! He said he understands if I want to think about it, but he said he wants to make me pack Kara."

          "Girl, what are you going to do?"

          "I don't know yet. I do love him, I'm just not sure its the same way he loves me. I'm so confused! But we're going out tonight together, to talk, no sex or anything just talking."

          "Well, while you were muddling in your messy love life, Ricky and I had a fabulous night! We went to his place of course, I got in about 4:30 this morning," she smiled.

          "You going to see him again?" I raised an eyebrow at her, but I already knew the answer.

          "Probably not, why do whats a;ready been done?" she giggled and hopped off my bed, "Come on lets go shopping. You need something new for tonight!"

          I sighed and followed her. Shopping was my least favorite thing to do, but she was right, I had to get something to wear for tonight.  I rarely went out and I really had nothing nice to impress Adam with, not that I was sure I wanted to impress him, or not. I sighed at least Kara had impecible taste and would help me pick out something adorable.


            I stood in front of the mirror wrapped in a towel, speculating what to wear. Kara and I had come home with three outfits, two of which I swore to take back when I made my final decision. It had taken nearly 2 hours for me to decide on these three and now I had less than an hour to pick one and get ready to go. I sighed out loud.

            "Go with the pink sundress with the white daisies on it. The one with the mathing sweater," Kara hollered from the hallway.
            I gave up and took Kara's advice, putting on the dress before searching through my closet for a white pair of strappy sandals I knew I owned, somewhere. After tearing up my closet (almost litterally) I found the pair I was looking for, only to realize the strap was broke. I screamed in frustration.
            Adam chose that moment to appear in my doorway. I must have really been out of it, I hadn't even heard him at the front door. A grin was stretched across his face. Kara came shuffling before I could say anything.
              "Here, borrow these!" She tossed me a pair of pink sandals that were as close as I could get to the color of my dress. She hurried out the door but not before she had the chance to take Adam in.
                "Thanks Kara!" I sighed, and I turned to smile at Adam, "Your a little early."

                "Yea, sorry 'bout that," he muttered, "You look great!"

                I looked at him, taking all of him in. He was dressed up, which was something I'd never seen. Adam was a strictly jeans a t-shirt type of guy, but tonight he was wearing black slacks, a button down shirt with a matching black suite jacket slung over his shoulder. The first two buttons of his shirt were undone, showing a peek of his manly chest. I smiled at him.
              "You look pretty good yourself," I admitted.

              He was on the verge of blushing, instead he merely looked pleased instead, "Lets go, darlin'."



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