Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/629631-Different-Perspectives
Rated: 18+ · Book · Adult · #1515755
Spellbound by a handsome rogue, Emily decides to explore her own hidden passions.
#629631 added January 14, 2009 at 12:24pm
Restrictions: None
Different Perspectives
“That was the entertainment room.  This one is called the alternative room.”  He opened the door and leather, tattoos, piercing and accessories filled the large room.  He guided her to a leather chair and there they sat watching the myriad of scenes unfolding before them.  To the right stood a woman in thigh high leather boots, a tattoo of a vine etched on her inner thigh snaked its way to the crotch less leather underwear.  Her breasts bare with a gold ring pierced through each nipple, her hands holding a whip.  She spoke with authority to a man whose faced was covered with a leather mask only revealing an opening for his mouth.  “Kneel and remove them with your teeth.  If you use your hands I’ll have to punish you.”  She cracked the whip across his back.  He grabbed the edge of leather undergarment with his teeth and began tugging; his tongue snaking out giving her small licks while trying to remove it.  As he peeled back the material the words forbidden fruit rested right above her clitoris.  Once she had stepped out of the underwear she said, “eat of the fruit”.  He spread her legs wide and began devouring her.

To the left a thin naked women was bent over licking a man’s boots. As he became aroused it was obvious there was a serpent tattooed on his penis.  He moaned and told her he wanted to fill her with his venom.  He then began calling her unsavory names and  commanded her to stand and lick the sweat from under his arms.  As soon as Emily heard this she stood and headed for the door.  Domination and submission was one thing, but degradation another.  A smile of relief swept across Aiden’s face as he watched her walk away from him.  He was so attracted to her that he wanted to test their compatibility.  She seemed to be a contradiction.  Reserved on one hand and oozing sexuality on the other.    He had taken her to the place that he never ventured toward.  He just couldn’t stomach this kind of play and had to know if Emily could. Rape, incest, torture, pedophilia did not exist in his fantasy world.  There were several women from his past who would surprise him showing up at his apartment dressed like a young girl with pig tails and pubic hair shaved.  He was revolted at the sight and had to escort them out.

Emily’s mind whirled.  She couldn’t do this.  This was just not her thing.  She wanted passionate, wild, even a little forbidden sex, but not this.  In one moment she had lost all arousal and was determined to find Brad and make him take her home.  She was halfway down the hall when Aiden grabbed her arm.  Fury sparked in her eyes as she ripped her arm away.  She was about to give him a piece of her mind when he interrupted her, “Thank God.” 

Stunned, she stammered, “What did you say?”

“Emily, I don’t like that kind of scene.  It sickens me.  I only took you there to see if you liked it.  If you did then I was going to politely excuse myself for the evening and find Brad.”

“Why didn’t you just ASK me?”

“ I don’t want to sound arrogant, but women tend to tell me what they think I want to hear.  I’ve experienced one of two things.  Either women will do something I like to please me even though they don’t like it or they try to change my mind and get me to like something I don’t.”

Hearing him describe his women, raised all of her insecurities. What was she doing?  He was gorgeous, sexy, and not lacking for women.  She realized that if she wanted a night of passion it would need to be with a total stranger; a spur of the moment, bar scene encounter.  Sure, he had aroused something within her that she didn’t even know existed.  Even though it wasn’t him, all a man had to have is the right anatomy.  Right? She just couldn’t do this.

“ I’m ready to go.  Will you please call me a cab?”

“Emily, please” Aiden embraced her and smothered her mouth with his.

Emily’s pulse raced as fire swept through her pelvis.  He made her feel so out of control.

“Come with me.  Give me one hour.  If you want to leave after that, I’ll take you home.”

Emily clung to his hand as he led her to the next room.

She heard the music as they turned the corner.  He escorted her into a huge room that looked exactly like a club.  There was a DJ, tables, sofas, and a bar.  Waitress and waiters maneuvered through the crowd carrying trays of drinks. 

“It looks like they are busy.  I’ll go to the bar and get us something to drink. Will you find us somewhere to sit?”

Emily searched the crowed room and finally spotted a u shaped couch with a small table in front of it and made her way across the room.  Several pairs of eyes followed her.  They must be checking out the newbie she thought.  She glanced over at the bar and saw three women surrounding Aiden vying for his attention.  Suddenly two shots of amber liquor appeared in front of her. 

“You look thirsty.  Go ahead drink up.”  A tall man with hazel eyes stood beside her.

“I couldn’t”

“I insist”  She started to explain that she was waiting for someone when she saw a leggy brunette run her hand up Aiden’s leg.  She changed her mind.

“Ok, thanks”  She finished the first and reached for the second.  Liquid heat burned down her throat warming her belly.  “Let’s dance.”

He led her to the dance floor and they moved in synch to the slow rhythm.
Aiden removed the brunette’s hand and told her he had an escort for the evening.  He headed to the table with their drinks when a flash of blue on the dance floor caught his eye.  “Damn!” he exclaimed. A wave of jealously filled him.

He sat and watched her until the music changed.  The man whispered something to her and she shook her head.  He left the floor but she remained.  She swayed seductively in time with the music.  She closed her eyes and a sultry look donned her face.  There was something to be said about the way a woman danced.  The arousing way she twisted her sleek curves, and moved her curvy ass undulating back and forth.  He stood ogling her as the bulk of his blood went straight to his cock. 

Emily had decided to just let go.  She was tired of her cool professional demeanor and decided her wilder side needed to come out and play; Even if it was only in her mind. She moved to the music imagining all sorts of sordid things.

Not about to stand by and wait for someone else to join her, Aiden moved to the dance floor through a sea of bodies to the one he ached to touch.  He moved behind her his body brushing her as they moved in tandem.  He rested his hand on her abdomen; His hot breath caressing her neck moving languorously against her backside.

Her breath caught, she covered his hand with her own and ground her bottom against his groin.  The length of his erection pressing against her buttocks caused her to increase the pressure.  His hand tightened at her waist and a guttural growl wafted to her ears; the animalistic sound bringing to life a long denied hunger.  Wetness gathered in her panties as restlessness screamed through her.

The hand beneath hers slid lower, molding his palm to the slight curve of her mound. Her skin flushed.  Her hips reacted out of instinct, grinding against that hot, weighty touch.  Need egged her on.  Tightening her hold on his hand,  urging it to press harder, silently begging him to go farther.  She wanted to feel his fingers sink into her aching body finding that spot that would take her to the limits of ecstasy.

He pressed the slightest bit harder.  Her clit swelled and throbbed.  She couldn’t control the moan that escaped her lips.  Desire coiled in her belly.

“Let me please you Emily,” His voice revealed raw desire.

She wanted to be carefree.  She’d dreamt of a night of wild abandon. Sensing her hesitation he turned her toward him. She could feel his enormous erection pulsing against body through the thin fabric of her dress. Fire tore through her loins.

That dangerously sexy mouth curved into a smile.  His eyes showed amusement that ensured he knew the effect he was having on her.  It was tempting to turn away and reject him and his arrogance of his sexual appeal.  She probably would have if at that moment his thumb didn’t reach out to stroke the underside of her breast, the pad moving in a leisurely circle that ignited every nerve ending.

She bit back a sigh that he would move closer to the straining nipple.  However, there was no need to beg.  She could feel his swollen cock cradled against her belly.  He wanted her. All she had to do was submit and they could leave for the private rooms that dotted the outer hallway.  She wanted to let go and just feel.  She pierced him with her smoky eyes brought her lips to his ear  and whispered, “Please me.”
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