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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/613600-Somehow-the-mind-went-in-this-direction
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1468633
With some disdain and a great deal of steel, she begins again.
#613600 added October 19, 2008 at 11:35am
Restrictions: None
Somehow, the mind went in this direction.
I watched the Sarah Palin skit(s) on Saturday Night Live last night, and I have to say she was funny, perhaps even likable, and I can see why people might find her attractive. I have to give her credit for having a sense of humour about herself, because many people don't, and even if I think her views are warped and extreme, there's no arguing that she has charisma. I still wouldn't vote for her if I was a U.S citizen, and I still think she's an odd blend of cold and warmth, but at least she's fun to look at and doesn't appear to not be in on the joke.

Our own federal election happened this past week. It was a tough one for me, mainly because I didn't feel like my party was doing much to state their case and I ended up voting for NDP for the first time in my life. Nevermind that the leader of that party looks like a cast member of 'Boogie Nights', their platform was attractive to me. I let go of the guilt in turning my back on the Liberals this once, because I know they'll be back at some point, and when they are, I'll be with them. All that aside, the Conservatives are still in power, which means the election was nothing more than a waste of tax money because there are virtually no changes in the structure of things. Our Prime Minister, a smug, slimy looking fellow who smirks whenever anyone challenges him, called for the election which he hoped would win him a stronger mandate from the electorates, giving him the majority. With a minority government, he couldn't do all the things he wanted to do, and so this was his way of taking the power. It didn't work, though, and while it is said he has the 'muscular minority', that doesn't mean much when you consider that he still can't do what he wants, when he wants. That's just a pillow for everyone to land on when they realize that tax money was spent on something that lead to nothing.

This was one of the lowest voter turnouts in recent history for Canada. I don't get it. My own sister 'forgot' to vote because she 'drove past the polling station on her way to work and before she knew it, she was too far to turn around'. Though we have a surplus at the moment, it would seem logical to me that people would want to keep it. Given the perilous state of finances worldwide it seems paramount that we should make sure the right person is in power so as to help us avoid the catastrophe that other nations are facing. Since most of our trade is with the U.S, we're already hurting, and we're angry at how badly things have been run there because it has always been obvious to us that something fishy was going on. Our troops are in Afghanistan at the moment, and they're diligently doing their part for peacekeeping, but even though we 'support our troops' and put the ribbons on our cars, no one thinks it should be happening. As Canadians, we tend to put our heads down, shut up and try to get the job done in the interest of harmony. I admire and despise this trait in equal amounts.

I don't fit into the 'Liberal' label well. I identify as one, but I have some strong Socialist tendencies. I do believe in an egalitarian society, even if it is a whimsical way of thinking, because I've never been big on anyone having ridiculous amounts of money when other people down the street are starving. I do not have any respect for 'royalty', because these people are just as human as we are and most of them don't have any real power anyway. A lot of pomp and ceremony for nothing, really. I believe in free health care because I have always lived it, and it's never failed me. Our biggest complaint at the moment is extended wait times in hospital emergency rooms and that needs to be fixed, but at the end of the day, we're still not paying for it. Our education system is actually quite good, and my biggest grievance is that we have to pay for post-secondary schooling. Many European countries do not require tuition from their students, including Ireland where all of my family has been educated, and I think that this is the way it should be across the board. Education should not be denied to anyone.

Denmark has it right. They have been ranked as 'the happiest place in the world' based on education, healthcare and social welfare from 2006-2008, and have the highest level of income equality. It would seem that happiness has a lot to do with how the social welfare system is structured, no? Also, Danes are big on culture, with something like eighty per cent of the population involved in some sort of extracurricular activity involving creative expression or art which has been proven to improve one's self-perception. Due to the economic equality, the country is uncorrupt. People actually leave sleeping babies in their strollers outside the cafe when they go in because they know that no one will touch them. Seems strange to us, but this is the reality for them. Depression is low there, with the exception of SAD (seasonal affective disorder) because there has been a major focus on increased social and cultural stability there through their 'Healthy Throughout Life' program. Yes, they have a monarchy, but when the people are happy they have no need to stage a coup. They do not have to pay for health care, education or their old age. Everything is taken care of. Why would they need anything more? Except for, you know, longer days in winter.

Some people I know have said 'Hey, why don't you move to Denmark, then?'. My response is always, 'How stupid are you?'. Doesn't it seem kind of obtuse to get angry or belligerent when someone points out the way to a happier society and your first reaction is to puff up the bottom lip and effectively pout 'Fine then! Go there!'. That isn't forward thinking. The point is that these places exist, that happiness is actually attainable on a societal level, and perhaps it might be prudent to adapt some of these ideas and practices into our own culture/society. Why on earth would anyone get angry about a solution? It's like ignorant pride is more important than true freedom.

Everyone's life is short, and I see no reason why it has to be harder than it should. I believe in taking steps to bettering a situation if not for ourselves, then for the people who come after us. I don't want to hear the infantile yammerings about how this country is better than that country for whatever reason. I'm not even saying that Denmark is better than Canada, I mean, they eat a lot of fish and for me that just won't work. What I am saying is that there are things to be learned and taken from places where the population seems largely contented, and only a fool would turn on their heel and walk away from the possibility of a peaceful existence.

I don't believe in owning guns, flat out. I think anyone who illegally owns one and carries it outside their home is effectively announcing their intention to kill. I do not believe in abortion for me, but I will not impose that belief on others because I do think my decision to not support it is my right and my choice, as it should be for everyone. Health care should be available to everyone at the expense of their government. Education should be available to everyone as well, as the current system reinforces the inequality of the classes and is exclusionary. Old age should not be a burden, and better systems should be put in place for the betterment of senior living, particularly now that the baby boomers are edging toward the finish line. Tax the rich to get the money needed, sure. Why does one human need so much more than another? Why on earth would anyone need seven houses? Ten cars? Billions in the bank? What's it for if you can't take it with you? We know that money doesn't buy happiness, but spread out properly it has the potential to bring a little peace.

I don't normally think about this kind of thing that often, really. I watched Saturday Night Live, and the mind went from there.

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