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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/594100-Flossies-99th-Lesson
Rated: E · Book · Biographical · #973799
My lessons with Flossie, a roan Standardbred mare
#594100 added July 1, 2008 at 7:04pm
Restrictions: None
Flossie's 99th Lesson

Flossie did so well on the track today, and we were both having so much fun, I decided to
stay on the track and ditch our regular routine in the paddock and gave circling a miss for
a change. I had her doing every gait in both directions at every speed. That's what we
worked on; going fast and slowing down. I learned how to become a rag doll while cantering in order to get her to slow down. Then just before she'd come down to a trot, I'd
ask her to accelerate again so I could work on keeping her at the speed I was comfortable with. She was so obedient!

I put the cones in a line down the center of the track and had her weaving in and out around them while trotting. Then I had her circling off the track around a tree at a trot, picking up a canter once arriving on the track again. We had never done this routine before, so it was something different for both of us. This is what I was aiming for; a break in our normal routine. She was so prompt it was a real joy!

To cool her out, I rode her at a walk down the driveway. We went over three quarters of the way before I had her stop and turn back. This was another first for her. I was hoping the change of scenery would get her more excited than it did, but at least she had a new
experience to add to her records.

I applied some hoof grease on Flossie's feet for the first time. I hope it makes a
difference. With the ground being so dry, the track is a dust bowl. I'm hoping the
grease acts as a hand lotion and puts some moisture back into her hooves.

BamBam actually looked for carrots from me today for the first time in a long time. He only took little nibbles and because he was so slow in taking them he was lucky he got that much. It's hard to keep four horses at bay when they're all nibbling away on their treats as fast as they can so they won't miss out on more, so when there's a slow poke . . . well, you know the saying; you snooze, you loose.

One of the neatest things that happened today occurred after Flossie's extensive
grooming which happens every week just before she goes back out to the paddock with her mates. When she realized I was through with her, she slowly walked away and got only so far as the shade of a nearby tree and just stood there dozing, lazily gazing out at the paddock before her. It looked so inviting I thought I'd go and join her; I sat on the ground at her feet and together we lazily surveyed the paddock around us for about ten minutes before she decided she had seen enough and slowly meandered away. It was a special moment I won't soon forget.

Can you believe it? The next time I ride Flossie it'll be her 100th lesson!

When I came home I washed out Flossie's saddle pad in the bathtub with detergent. I had to rinse it out and wring it out by hand which was hard to do. I know I didn't get all
the soap out. Maybe it'll rain on it tonight. That would help.

Anyway, it was very warm for this time of the year today. I was disappointed because I was looking forward to riding in the cool autumn air. At least the temperature was
rider-friendly, so I won't complain. As the season progresses, the weather will
gradually get colder, so at least that's something to look forward to.

I'll leave you today with this no-brainer: Any cowboy can carry a tune. The trouble
comes when he tries to unload it.

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