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Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/510542-Buckets-of-Snot
Rated: 18+ · Book · Personal · #1196512
Not for the faint of art.
#510542 added May 23, 2007 at 5:29pm
Restrictions: None
Buckets of Snot
I'm sick.

Also, I have a cold. It's been going on since Friday, and migrated from my throat to my chest, back into my throat, and up into my sinuses. I'm currently producing more fluid from my nose and lungs than I am taking in. Every time I drink a glass of water, or a can of Coke Zero, I go through an entire box of Kleenex.

Can someone please tell me why tissue boxes feature pictures of FLOWERS? I mean, I don't really care - allergies aren't my problem (I make up for it by producing rivers of snot every time I get a cold, which fortunately, isn't that often these days), but I'd imagine that people with allergies see the flowers and get triggered.

Of course, that could be a conspiracy on the part of Kleenex and Puffs to sell more tissues.

Periodically I have to clean the snot off my computer screen. No matter how careful I am, Old Faithful exceeds the capacity of the tissue to contain it.

Why am I putting in a blog entry guaranteed to gross everyone out? Well, because I don't believe in being miserable alone. Since I can't give y'all the cold, I'll have to settle for making you mildly nauseated.




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