Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/499195-Lost-and-Found
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#499195 added April 2, 2007 at 8:50pm
Restrictions: None
Lost and Found
Yesterday, after a long Palm Sunday service, I couldn't find my car keys. I checked in all the places I'd been, except the car. I'd run back out to find a comb before the service, and was sure I'd unlocked the car door from inside, leaving the keys securely fastened to my handbag. However, I hadn't. Twenty minutes later, and after asking a number of people if they'd accidentally picked them up and pocketed them, as one woman reported having done in the past, I finally found them locked in the back seat of the car. Sigh.

Fortunately, a friend gave me a ride home, way out of her way because I live in the next town, and I got my extra key and a ride back to church to fetch the car.

Today I got up early and got Seamus to the groomer before 8a.m., then went to work for an hour and then to the staff meeting at church. By then it was not quite time to pick up the dog, and not quite enough time to see a patient, so I went to the grocery. With my basket full, I discovered at the cash register that I had no wallet.

Left my basket in the cold locker, (I think that's what they called it) and went on to get the dog, then home. I could not find the wallet. I knew I'd had it Saturday, only because I talked to Bill and he reminded me that he'd balanced my checkbook and had given it back to me. (The checkbook is in the wallet.) So at least I didn't have to retrace my steps back to Friday!

I thought I'd have noticed when turning out my purse hunting for my keys that the wallet was missing, but evidently not. I also thought I'd looked everywhere when I called to find out what I had to do to get a new driver's license. I went to the study and bent over to pick up the file folder where we keep birth certificates and passports, etc., and spied the wallet hiding on the card table beneath the lid of a file box where we'd been working on taxes.
Yay-y-y-y-y! Now, on to more fun things.

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