Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/497290-Do-you-remember-Bernard-and-Margot-and
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#497290 added March 23, 2007 at 11:42pm
Restrictions: None
Do you remember Bernard and Margot and...
Poor Wren and Bernard, Margot and Fred, and Celia. I've left them there poised in mid-air since the end of summer. The fall chill was soon awaited, and they were having their last garden party or some such thing when I went off and forgot them. So there they are, standing around like the wax figures in Warwick Castle. For the cast of characters, see the marquee above. For the previous episode, see:
 Wren & Company  (E)
continued story from blog
#1185508 by Wren

And, here they are now...

He reached the door in three long strides, then stopped abruptly, peering out. He turned slightly toward Margot, then turned back, his finger pressing against his chin. His brow was furrowed slightly, then his eyes closed. “I think perhaps you’re right.” His voice was very quiet.

The three of them stood there, nearly shoulder to shoulder, and Wren worried the skirt of her apron with her hands, pleating its hems nervously.

“What’s this?” called Bernard. “The Three Stooges? The monkeys who could see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil?”

Fred’s eyes blinked open. Margot’s hands, which had wandered up like blinders clutching her temples, flew to her sides like a guilty child’s. Everyone in the garden looked around, and nearly everyone smiled.

Celia did not. She stared down at her lap.

“Come out, come out, whoever you are,” Bernard called. He’d had a touch too much whiskey and was on the edge between overly cheerful and headed toward grouchy.

Whatever else happens, thought Wren, I must get the dinner on the table soon!

“Celia and Charles, I’d like you to meet Margot, our neighbor across the street. Oh that’s right, you already know her, Celia! And this is her friend Frederick.”

The two men shook hands on cue, and then Fred turned to Celia. “I believe we’ve met before too, haven’t we?”

At last she met his gaze. “Hello, Fred,” she said. “It’s…well, it’s….” She didn’t complete her sentence, just let it trail off.

“Yes,” Fred said. “It is, isn’t it?” He nodded to her, then moved back to Margot’s side. "Did I remember to tell you how lovely you look tonight?" he whispered.

For just an instant she remained frozen on the spot, then gave him a big smile. "Why, thank you sir!" she said.

© Copyright 2007 Wren (UN: oldcactuswren at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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