Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/485009-Thursday-2107
Rated: 13+ · Book · Other · #1207566
Musings from my mind
#485009 added February 1, 2007 at 6:55pm
Restrictions: None
Thursday 2/1/07
Happy February Everyone!

Today was a good morning. Joe did well and was pleasantly affectionate. Today at work was a bit rough. I couldn't seem to focus. I guess the fatigue from the past couple weeks have caught up with me. It seemed every time I tried to fix an issue, I ended up making it worse. Arrgh. Finally I decided to do more mundane tasks and save the harder stuff for another day when I'm more up to tackling them.

I picked Joe up from afterschool, and after some discussion, we agreed we'd skip karate class tonite, go have dinner and go home for a quiet evening. We went to Sonny's BBQ for dinner. You ain't been to the south until you've had Sonny's BBQ. It's like....THE CURE!!! There ain't a whole lot that Sonny's can't help fix. It's one of the ultimate comfort foods for me.

I stopped at the mailbox on the way home and found notification of the child support court hearing for The Donkey...aka Joe's Dad. It's in a couple weeks. Praise God and all things living!

If he shows, we'll get a income deduction order so that the child support will be automatically deducted from his paycheck. If he doesn't show, they'll put out a warrant for his arrest. I am quite sure he'll appear. If so, maybe I'll get some financial relief soon. It would truly help.

Wonderful friends also help. A coworker took one look at me today, and opened her arms,and said "come here." She just knew it was exactly what I needed. I almost started crying. I've learned that as much as I love to give support and encouragement, I need to learn how to accept it too.

Many, many people here have responded to my blogs with such encouragement. The Monk has been a wonderful listener, and has let me borrow his e-shoulder on more than one occasion. Thank you, darlin'.

Hoosiermama2 is a beautiful person, although I've never seen her with my eyes. I love reading her blog, and have found wonderful nuggets of wisdom there. She blessed me today with a c-note, my very first one! I'm so glad to know you, and proud to call you my friend.

My quote for today is: It's all right to sit on your pity pot every now and again. Just be sure to flush when you are done.

Thanks for stopping by,

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