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Rated: 13+ · Book · Emotional · #1185270
An insight look into Domestic Violence.
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#472415 added December 1, 2006 at 4:17pm
Restrictions: None
Cry For Me (Poem)
With just one tear running down your face?
Would my heart then know its place?
Maybe then it would all make sense,
If I had one moment at your expense.

So please cry, just a little for me.
Lie if you have too. But let tears run free.
Pretend you’re feeling some of this pain,
I deserve to know why I am going insane

What do I have ? You so desperately need?
A rose that has withered, go find a new seed.
Why can’t you see the fear in my eyes?
Remember you laughing as I cried?

Why can’t you just let me go, be free?
Are you so scared of life without me?
You should be caught and locked away,
Then you wouldn’t be able to treat me this way.

I hear your goodbye. But you won’t let me go.
Some kind of heartache, can’t you show?
Making me stay is nothing but crime,
I don’t want your pity, I just want what is mine.

I want my life back, to live how I choose,
You’re always the winner. I always loose.
You say “jump” I ask “How high”
Just give back my wings so I can fly.

Just be sorry and plead on the floor,
Give me a chance. Open the door.
Be a real man. Do what is best.
Let me fly away from your nest.

Walk away; knowing that you have won.
Give me a head start, I will then run.
Far from you and then some more
Please I beg you just open that door!
© Copyright 2006 Emma Collinson (UN: emmacollinson at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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