Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/462095-pokes-Hello-is-this-thing-on
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#462095 added October 16, 2006 at 11:05am
Restrictions: None
*pokes* Hello, is this thing on?
*chuckles* I've always wanted to do that. lol But truly, sorry for stealing the lime light since I don't have much to say today. I'm tired and I'm grumpy because I haven't been getting enough sleep lately. At the moment I have to wait up but hopefully not for too much longer. My mother is stopping by shortly to pick up some paper work for Krching. My printer has been running hot all day and my ink cartridges are feeling the strain. I wanted to order more but can't afford to at the moment without putting myself on the line again and I've been tight for a few weeks now.

I still haven't managed to get the air conditioner fixed either. The company called me early in the morning. One problem with them being an Eastern States business, they call at 6AM which is their start of business and I usually don't answer the phone until after 8AM. Especially since I've been having trouble sleeping and so at that hour I'm dead to the world. Every time I call back I get nothing. With Kaylie going back to school tomorrow I might set the alarm early and if they don't call I'll call them at that hour.

My finances at the moment have me a little concerned. I over streched by getting the airconditioner install after the bathroom renovations. I should have waited a few more months till I had the savings to spare rather than dipping into my comfort level. Now I'm sitting on the line and feeling the strain. I've spent over a year with my finances in control and freedom to move that now while I'm still ahead and on top of things the lack of flexability feels scarier then when I was married and we were constantly robbing Peter to pay Paul. Isn't it strange that having learnt how to manage my finances, knowing I'm on the line rather than having my buffer I feel less secure then when I lived like this day in and day out for years?

It's made me aware that I need to pick up some more paid work at the moment. I've done a lot of volunteer work but not a lot of paid. With Christmas swiftly approaching it's important to get back to my comfort zone. Still, thankfully I have investments that make me less concerned about my situation. The house for example has gone up in value again so if I needed to I could up the equity in that. That would be a very last resort however because each time I raise that I get more in debt and the repayments and term of the loan creep up. I still have those shares and Krching to fall back on however and there is good money in both of those so I'm doing ok.

Wow, talk about rambling on and on. lol Thankfully while I've felt pretty stressed I feel better having considered the situation. My bank balance might be showing a scary figure when I think of how lont that money has to last me but I only need to look a little closer to realise that I've got money in places other than my bank and I'm doing ok. Thankfully I also have a supportive family so if I did need some fast cash it's always there.

Thinking of money however makes me wonder what excess I have around the house I could get rid of to make some cash. You know there is always something you could sell that you don't need. Usually I just give my stuff to charity because I'm too lazy to try and sell it but I have a few things that could turn a profit. And old TV and VCR that have been sitting there for months because I haven't had the chance to load them into a car and take them down the road to the local Salvation Army store. Bags of toys that I've weeded out of my kids toyboxes since they were overflowing that was ready for GSI as well. A whole heap more clothes then I really need.

And there I go rambling again when I should be thinking about getting myself off to bed now that I finally can. Kaylie is back to school tomorrow and I'm back to work. The Tools of Poetry workshop gets in on a new assignment after a weeks break and I'll take some time tomorrow to write up next weeks article. Then I can stay a week ahead. In fact Tuesdays are dedicated to PPP so hopefully I'll get a lot done that is group related tomorrow.

Meanwhile, G'night. *Smile*

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