Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/461596-Past-Time-For-Bed-Tonight
Rated: 18+ · Book · Emotional · #954458
Bare and uncensored personal expression. Beware!!!
#461596 added October 14, 2006 at 9:50am
Restrictions: None
Past Time For Bed Tonight
Earlier tonight I wanted only to have a hot bath and then get to bed. The kids were still awake, just finishing dinner and I was wiped out from a little too much sun and a long day out. Then I realised I hadn't written my DWC or Blog and groaned. Sometimes keeping this vow to myself is harder than others.

Now, after having had that hot bath I'm still ready for bed but I've managed to bring myself back to the screen. I've got a few things to write in my blog and I've already done justice to my 425 word requirement for DWC with a 430 worry about NaNo. Basically, my concern is that I'll have no story to write. I've had ideas in my mind but at the moment nothing is jumping out demanding to be written.

After going shopping today I got home and settled into Microsoft Word inspired by my country. It had been a beautiful day and I'd enjoyed the sunshine, the land, and mingling with her people. So I wrote a justifyable essay for The BlogVille News which I hope Scarlett enjoys and approves of. It is still open to editing before publication in the newsletter of course but I hope when the news is released you'll all enjoy reading it. I've also added 21 photographs in an album to share more of the wonders of this fabulous state. I think it all turned out really well.

Last night as I was winding down I was sharing pager messages with my best friend Matt. When I was delving my poetry archives a few days ago I discovered a poem I'd dedicated to my husband (now ex-husband) and shared it with him, cringing at the horrors of terrible poetry. He sulked a little about not having had a poem written for him.

A day or so later I was typing up some of the long hand work I'd written in my notepads over the past month or so and found one that I had written about him. It'd completely forgotten doing so at the time. It was one of those poems written in that half asleep state late at night when I can't sleep and have to toss the words on paper. Anyway, I shared that poem with him and he wondered if it was a pitty poem based on salving his bruised ego.

I replied along the lines of having included rabbits, potty messages, ninja's and trids if I wrote a poem today to sooth his ego. We both had a chuckle about that and it probably only makes any sense between us with our history. Last night as I was saying goodnight I told him to have a great day and he told me he would only if I promised to write him a poem to sooth his ego. So I did. *grins* And I stayed up last night to write it.

It's certainly not a masterful work but apprently he took delight in it when I shared it with him. I can't post it here however, in fact hopefully it never reaches the eyes of anyone but him. lol It's embarressing. It was also more challenging to write then I'd expected. But fun all the same and I'm glad he enjoyed it.

Now it's late in the night and I really would like to get myself to bed with a sappy movie. Gladiator is on TV atm but while it's a good movie it's too heavy and action oriented for my mood at the moment. I want to turn my brain off and Gladiator charges it instead.

Tomorrow I enjoy lunch with my extended family. Celebrating my mother and sisters birthdays from earlier in the month. Another day when I plan only for that, and anything else accomplished is a bonus. But for now, to bed, and sleep.

© Copyright 2006 Rebecca Laffar-Smith (UN: rklaffarsmith at Writing.Com). All rights reserved.
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