Printed from https://writing.com/main/books/entry_id/459762-Ah-h-h-massage
by Wren
Rated: 13+ · Book · Biographical · #1096245
Just play: don't look at your hands!
#459762 added October 6, 2006 at 8:55pm
Restrictions: None
Ah-h-h, massage!
Got a good massage today; she worked me in when there was a cancellation. My back, though not perfect, feels better tonight. She warned me that I'll probably suffer some from her efforts too, by tomorrow anyway.

Hey out there, all of you who like the Cinquain form. Did you know there is a whole magazine devoted to it? Check it out. http://www.amaze-cinquain.com/ I personally keep getting it confused with the quinzain, or did I make that one up? *** Guess I must have. I Googled it and got, "the fifteenth day after a feast," and nothing else that was English.

Obviously I haven't much to say today, and no time to make up anything much either. Too bad. I'm ready for more Margot. Spent part of the day looking up facts about and diets for diabetes. Bill's blood sugars are still high, (I know that from working at the hospital.) but the doctor gave him no info to go with the glucoscan. If I'd known it was even an issue, I would have gone to his appointment too. He didn't know either, evidently, or it's that denial thing. I hope not. I pray not. He'd lose his license again before the FAA even got it back to him. Worry and stress play a definite factor in blood sugar. Great. I'll keep it a secret while feeding him zucchini and fish and fiber. I can't believe that fiber is important here too. Well, I can, but don't you get a bit leary of these cure-all foods? Oat bran was a good example. Everything had oat bran in it for awhile.

Gotta go. Maybe later?

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